Cursed Crafting Recipes

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Cursed crafting recipes I made, with some taken from r/PheonixSC and r/MinecraftMemes. I've added a few custom items, such as the [don't get me cancelled] sword, the TNT slab, and a subtraction table to waste your items. The subtraction table has even more cursed recipes with its custom GUI. I forgot to mention that my description can't be any shorter than 350 characters.




Minecraft mod files
cursedcraftingrecipes-1.0.0_0.jar - PLEASE UPLOAD CORRECTLY THIS TIME (again) (again) Uploaded on: 02/05/2024 - 23:39   File size: 3.57 MB - Full release of Cursed Crafting Uploaded on: 03/28/2024 - 16:55   File size: 7.38 MB

Full release of Cursed Crafting!

Added some bulk recipes, tic-tac-toe, music discs, and more!


X is crafted with redstone and O is crafted with lapiz. Arrange in a crafting grid and the winner (if any) will be outputted.

I planned to create an ox spawn egg when both O and X win but unfotunately I can't get the recipe to work. Maybe I'll figure it out later. 

Added the Chongus Pickaxe, crafted with diamond blocks. It mines a 3x3x3 area and can easily break bedrock. 
Blaze rods can be crafted with blaze powder. 

Cobblestone stairs and slabs can become mossy with vines. 

Chests can be directly crafted out of 2 logs. 

8 charcoal and 1 log create 32 torches. 

Ladders can be bulk crafted with planks and logs. 

I'm not going to list all the recipes but these are the funniest. 


Credit to Paint's Flexible Recipes for the bulk crafts

I'm going to continue searching Reddit until there's nothing left

Here's a lil goldmine I found, along with r/PhoenixSC, r/MinecraftMemes, and r/s***tymcsuggestions