Explore the Ancient Oceans
Version 1.0.1(Gloou)

Forge 1.20.1
JEI (Recomended)

Searine is a new ore added by the Mod;
It has a Crystal and Block form, both can be found in Geodes that spawn bellow any ocean biome;
That can be smelted to create Refined Searine, the usable version of it;
It is the Key Component to craft both Searine Armor and Tools.

Aquarius Butterflyfish & Aquarius Coral
Aquarius Butterflyfish is a new type of fish added by the mod;
They have a chance to drop when killed 1 to 3 Aquarius Corals;
Like Searine it is also a Key Component to make Advanced Searine Items

Gloou & Glowing Paste
Gloous are underground squid relatives, that emit light.
Unlike Glow Squids, Gloous when attacked inflicts glow to the attacker mob.
When killed, they drop their item version, like how the fishes do.
When Smelted or Cooked, they become a paste, because of the high heat, that can be used to make Glowing Glass.

Aquarius Snail
Aquarius Snails may be small but they have 100 poins of defense and knockback resistance.
When hurt, they inflict Electrocuted II on the attacker.
For now they don't drop anything.

Glowing Glass, Aquarius Glass & Searine TNT
Glowing glass is a glass type that emits light, it can be made with 8 glowing pastes, 1 glass, and it will give 8 items in one craft.
Aquarius Glass is a reinfornced version of the glowing glass, they are made with 4 glowing glasses, and 4 aquarius corals, it will give 4 items in one craft.
Searine TNT is a stronger version of the regular TNT, 8 power points, that works on water and instantly detonate, but they can't be activated with redstone, only with projectile hits and other explosions.
They can be made with 2 reinforded searines, 2 Aquarius glasses, 4 Aquarius Corals, and 1 TNT.
- Images:

Advanced Searine Items
The searine set is a diamond tier set;
Unlike other armors and tools, the Searine Set has an unique crafting organization when crafting;
The Searine Hoe was replaced by a Scythe, dealing 10 damage points, but it has a 0.5 attack speed;
Both the Searite Sword, Axe and Scythe, give the Aquarius Curse debuff, an effect that if the affected is in any type of water, including rain, has their health cut by half.

- Recipies:

-Adds a recipe to the heart of the sea;
-Both the Aquarius Fish, Aquarius Snail and Searine Armor, emit glow particles.
-Adds a recipe for the Trident.
-Now lightning strikes inflict Electrocuted III, an effect that paralyzes and damages the affected.
- This mod is smal because it is in development, so you can give opinions, ideas about it.
1.0.0 - Release
- Added Gloou
-Added Gloou(Item)
-Added Glowing Paste
-Added Glowing Glass
-Added Aquarius Glass
-Added Searine TNT
-Added custom recipe for the trident
-Added Aquarius Snail
-Added Electrocuted
-Nerfed the Aquarius Curse debuff, now Searine items only give 30 ticks insted of 300 ticks.
-Searine blocks now require an level 1 pickaxe to drop
Hey man, can you send your discord? I want to ask smt