Document 17 Original downloads

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PLEASE DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS VERSION- i mean you can- i just think the new one is better.



Base Armors/ores:

Bioforce- the energy of life, nothing could live without it, however, it also could not create more of itself without living creatures to grow inside of. obtained by mining the ore, or useing a bioforce collection mashine with emeralds and cringe point. 

Negative Bioforce- the energy of death. can be obtained by killing, regardless of whatever it is that you killed. enough of this can produce a strong armor, and weapons. 

Warpzone- the crystalized energy of the warpzone. when wearing a full set, provides a huge boost in speed and haste. perfect for those who love to go fast. also the base underarmor of any speedsters.

Cringe Point- similar to the Cenk, but with slightly different buffs. (currently unatonable)

Cenk- a regular armor. made out of a nearly indestructible material. (but not in Minecraft, i have to follow game rules) and provides WAY extra protection.

Time Core- a slight speed boost, and the starting armor of any time manipulator.

The mod also adds in tool for each type, respectfully. yes, even hoes. 


Bioforce collection machine: used to convert emeralds and Cringe Point into Bioforce bits.

Warpzone generator

Block of (type) for each energy/substance or other thing.


needle: a building component to make the bioforce shot.

shot: a shot base that you can combine with Bioforce to create the Bioforce shot.

Bioforce shot- a shot of pure bioforce that gives you a ton of powers.

Ant scale: a scale you get from killing ants.

Ant scale clump: a clump of the scales you can smelt in a furnace to produce Biomatter.

Biomatter: can be used to craft Charged power cells.

Corruption Flower: a flower found, used to craft Corruption stew. (acutlly spawns now) 


Fire force- flight and shoot fire

Carbon Force- convert carbon based materials

Time Force- manipulate time, and heal by "reversing your body through time a few seconds" 

Reality Force- summon minions to fight for you, fly, and create copys of whatever you are looking at. <--- (STRONGEST) 

Earth Force- gain different effects whether on land or in the water, create earth tools and armor on command.

Split Force - use any of the other powers for a limited time

Froze Force- create ice, and ice tools and weapons on command.

Super suits/characters:

  1. Reckon - immortal and teleportation, can access the Reckon tech menu at any time. along with infinite Power cells.
  2. Pulse - by accesing the Warpzone, he is able to manipulate space-time to his will. giving him a wide range of powers.
  3. PowerCore - energy powers and flight, can recharge empty power cells just by holding them. uses his energy to imbue objects with mending.
  4. Discharge - same powers as Pulse, along with the ability to teleport.
  5. Multilite - his power "duplication" allows him to copy an entire object, or just a portion of it. this allows him to make clones, and duplicate anything he is holding in his off hand. some mastery is required to get the power to fully work.
  6. Olympian - can create any weapon inside the game (almost) and place down Energy disks, as well as when he gets low on health, his shielding activates and you stop taking as much damage.
  7. Stopwatch - the ability to manipulate what time of day it is (or night), and create shields made out of time energy. (pairs well with Time Force, as that's where his powers come from in the first place)
  8. Mightybean121 Fire Force, and Corruption, can summon his scythe at any time, run super fast, flight, teleport, apply a "corruption bubble" to any mob clicked with his scythe. immune to fire, and can shoot fire balls.
  9. Hardsize - ERROR- incorrect file (please) {fix"help"}
  10. Marrkoth - Fruit powers, Fire balls, flight, slight speed increase, strength, and the increased growth of any plant he touches.
  11. Sphere - Flight, speed, strength, invulnerability's, can erect a burst a flame in front of him. access a few different menus. can create more of any objects he is holding.
  12. Buggo - converts negative potion effects into good ones, bug menu, bug spike, activate wings to fly.
  13. Dr. Tonic - Split force, access any of the forces in the mod.
  14. Kat - increased physical human ability's, can summon a battleaxe, which she can force to become corruption, can use her suits claws as a fast and dangerous weapon.
  15. Glove - similar powers to sphere.
  16. Caster- summon different spells that give you different effects or do different magical things. they can also be crafted. obtained by using the "magical helm" and pressing R.
  17. Zirconium- hardening, the more damage he takes, more resistance he gets. metal bending, he can turn Zirconium metal into different tools and revert them back to normal. (i left it finicky so make it feel like you actually have to learn how to use the power) flight, slight strength and speed boosts.
Minecraft mod files
Document 17 V-6 mega update.jar - A complete Rework of the ENTIRE mod. Uploaded on: 05/15/2024 - 20:24   File size: 1.48 MB
Doc 17 V-7.jar - update to the mod. Uploaded on: 05/17/2024 - 20:19   File size: 1.62 MB

Launch date - 3/29/2024

pre alpha version - just the basics

update 3 - 7 or so characters on top of everything else.

Official Version 1: Reckon, Pulse, Discharge, Olympian, Stopwatch, Powercore, Multilite all added to mod. base armors and receipes in mod. basic tools in mod. basic R powers (and a couple advanced F powers) in mod.

Version 2: add's Mightybean121 (not my character, is my friends character) Marrkoth, a man with the powers of many, and many of powers, zero consistency. and Hardsize, a nearly indestrucble super villain with the ability to- he was supposed to change size but i can't do that, so instead he creatives a giant massively powerful explosions. and Fireforce, which lets you fly around and shoot fireballs.