Gummy Mod: Reborn is a reworked version of original Gummy Mod (see ). Now, making gummies is more logical than in previous mod. Now you need Gelatine or Agar-Agar to craft Gummies. Agar-Agar will make some recipes cheaper, while Gelatin is main ingridient. Now, to craft gummies, you need: 2 sugar, 1 dye (compared to gummy color), one gelatine/agar-agar and the same as gummy color food (if gummy is red, add sweet berries).
Gummies will have tiers. 1st tier - they have no boosts (so main gummies), 1.5 tier - they are same as the 1st tier, but they used to craft better unique gummies. 2nd tier - they grant some mid boosts and 3rd tier - they grant nice boosts, but with unique mechanic of getting effect/gummies themselves.
This mod also will have decoration blocks! They all will be made of gummy, even logs (very LOGical).
Gummy creepers are back and more balanced! Seasonal gummies will periodically appear. Now, to craft flavor gummies (like Watermelon), you need 2 different color gummies and unique ingridient. Have fun!
Some crafts and buffs from gummies will be balanced in next versions.
At least one update per week. If there no update on week, that means big update next time or i don't have enough time to spend in mod making.
You can offer your ideas in Forum topic! I will add them if they interesting enough.
Version 1.0.0:
1 tier: Color Blue, Yellow, Green and Red gummies (Blue is the legend)!
2 tier: Flavor Watermelon gummy! Combine Red, Green gummies and Watermelon slice to get it! Grants slowness and resistance.
Watermelon gummy creeper (model back from Gummy Mod: Legacy edition)! Grants best resistance, but also you will be slow.
3 tier: Unique Traffic Light gummy! Combine Red, Green and Yellow gummies to get it (or Yellow + Watermelon gummy). It will give you 1 of 3 happenings (just RNG gummy). First - Red light. You get slower, but tougher. Second - Yellow light. You will dig faster and get more hp. Third - Green light. You will get speed and regeneration effects.
Traffic Light creeper - grants Slowness and Weakness for 3 seconds, but after that, you get 5 good effects!
Note: Some updates may be skipped/combined in one (like i can skip 1.0.8 and immediately release 1.1.0)
Version meanings: 1.2.3 1 - part/era of mod 2 - full version 3 - pre-versions
Sorry for no updates this two weeks! I just really busy with school. Also first seasonal gummy releasing in next update!