HAUNTED is a mod for Herobrine which he haunts your Minecraft world and you need to stop him.
-3 Structures
-3 things Herobrine can write
-Herobrine. There are 5 types Stalker, Attacker, Boss, Cave, And Jumpscare.
-4 new commands. They are /herobrine (summons herobrine 100 blocks above you), /test (says all entitys that exist in your Minecraft world), /xray (Applies Night Vision).
, /boss (summons a Herobrine boss when you are ready.
-1 new tool. Adds the Herobrine Sword which you can get from fishing.
Anything that the modification file says may not be correct so know that some features may be or not be there.
I only use this as a place to store my Snapshots.
Forge is only for 1.20.1
Neoforge is only for 1.20.6
Snapshot 1-Adds the cave Herobrine type and the Wood Spikes biome.
Snapshot 2- Deletes the Wood Spikes biome and adds the Herobrine Sword.
Snapshot 3- Updates the Herobrine Sword texture and adds the Wood Forest biome which is almost the exact same as the Wood Spikes biome.
Snapshot 4- Adds the Stalker Herobrine type and the Jumpscare Herobrine type.