Brutal Overheat

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Feel The Heat!

Have you ever wanted to play Minecraft with an added challenge? Well, this is the perfect mod! In this mod, temperatures are taken to a brutal extreme. Want to stay in the path of sunlight? Well, much like a zombie, you will burn. Want to wear armor? Well, you're going to boil alive inside of it. Want to go out at night, or stop the burning in water? Well, you're going to get very cold. 

Brutal Deserts!

This mod is recommended for a hardcore single biome desert world. You will be forced to scrape sticks off of the side of a river, sharpen sticks for adequate tools, and smash cacti for food. Not to mention worry about the constant threat of heatstroke and undead mobs.

Minecraft mod files
BrutalOverheat.jar - Version 1.0 Uploaded on: 04/28/2024 - 17:15   File size: 1.99 MB