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This mod is add for Cracker's Wither Storm Mod and Enderite Mod
This mod add only ZIP file
This is my 1st project
Support New Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
I have a discord account
Join discord Here
I'm not copy the mod "Cracker's Wither Storm Mod"
Add Explosive Block, Weapon, New Items, Recipe, New Trap
I work alone but I don't work with "nonamecrackers2"
Recipe tutorial in images: Sorry, I can't upload picture
Recipe tutorial download: in trailer video and Just Enough Items
Everyone just follow the number of explosive blocks in my creative inventory tab (except the explosive blocks that already have recipes) and then discard them all (except the 4 hard blocks that must use diamond pickaxe and the 2 hardest blocks in minecraft that must be used formidibomb) into the TNT Smithing Table (1.19.4 V2, 1.19.2 V3, 1.18.2 V2)
Get explosive block? Click button in your keyboard (Old):
N: Natural
B: Building
M: Mineral
O: No Explosion
K: Functional
P: Wood and Planks
G: Nether
I: Ender
Repair Open Bear Trap with Axe
Download in my website Here
Modrinth Here
MediaFire Here
GitHub Here
Legacy CurseForge Here
CurseForge Here
Trailer (Original): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa8ie5pgmGA&t=44s
Fix Bear Trap Procedure 1.19.4 and 1.20.1