Vanilla Enhanced

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This mod aims to improve the minecraft vanilla experience by adding more features to already existing biomes, while trying to keep the vanilla feel alive. This mod is very big so I might not be able to cover everything on the modpage. (Sorry for the long Modpage )


This mod requires Geckolib api



Biome generation: 

-Bone fossils are now generating on the surface of the wooded badlands

-Cow and Pig cadavers generate naturely


-Bandit outposts 

-Bandit camp and Bandit wagon (wooded badlands only)

-Teracotta ruins 


-Teracotta Bricks  (slab, stair etc)


-Vultures: They are agressive, flying mobs, that spawn in the wooded badlands biome (drop: Vulture meat and Vulture feathers)

-Bandit slasher: Aggressive Badlands varient of the Vindicator, whichs spawns in all Bandit related structures (drop: Raw gold)

-Bandit boomer:  This aggressive long range bandit throws dynamite at you. They can be found in Bandit outposts (drop: Dynamite)



Items / Weapons:

-Flintlock: ranged weapon that knocks you back (Durability: 400)

-Cobble pellet: ammo for the flintlock (put in offhand to shoot)

-TNT pellet: ammo for the flintlock, that explodes on contact (put in offhand to shoot)

-Slime pellet: ammo for the flintlock, that slowes on contact (put in offhand to shoot)

-Dynamite: throwable tnt

-Flintlock barrel: found in all badlands structures used to craft the flintlock

-Vulture Feather: dropped by Vultures, used to craft arrows

-Vulture Meat: dropped by Vultures, can be cooked and eaten


quickfire (flintlock): reduces shoot cooldown (treasure enchantment) levels: 3




Biome generation: 

-Quicksand pits are now generating on the surface of the Desert

-Palm trees with coconuts are now generating 



-Ancient pyramid


-Palm wood set

-Quicksand in which you sink and take damage

-Coconut: sometimes growing on palmtrees, can be shot/punched to drop down

-Ancient Shrine: found in the ancient pyramid used to summon the sandy spirit

-Treasure pot: drops different items aswell as new treasure relics. Can be found in all new desert structures


-Scorpion: They are agressive and poison the player on contact. They spawn at night in the desert (drop: Poisonous stinger)

-Mummy:  mummyfied version of a husk. They are summoned by the ancient spirit (drop: nothing)


Sandy spirit: It can be summoned by rightclicking the ancient shrine with one of the two treasure relics,

  • Health: 300
  • Phase 1 : shoots projectiles that curse the player. It sometimes summons allies to help fighting  (is immune to projectiles)
  • Phase 2 : chases after the player dealing melee damage. Has a chance to poisen the player on contact (is not immune to projectiles anymore)
  • Drop: -2 Ancient ingots-

Items / Weapons:

-Mcquadle of the desert: ranged weapon, that doesnt need ammo (Durability: 600)


-Ancient shield: sneak while blocking to fire a defensive blast (Durability: 600)

-Ancient ingot: dropped by the sandy spirit and used to craft the first 2 weapons

-Cross of the desert: gives you stat boosts when on sand. One of the two relics to summon the sandy spirit

-Bottemless chalice: an infinit water source. One of the two relics to summon the sandy spirit

-Poisonous stinger: dropped by scorpions and can be brewed into antidote

-Antidote: removes all effects on use

-Bucket of quicksand: can be optained by rightlicking quicksand with a bucket

-Coconut fruit: Foodsource that can be optained by dropping a coconut from a palm tree



Biome generation: 

-New infected end biome (sculc)

-Enderite ore generating on the bottom of the islands


-sculc ruins (infected end)

-Shulker hideout (end highlands)

-Ender trader (end highlands)


-Enderite ore

-Enderite block

-Ender altar: a new profession block found in the home of the ender trader


-Shulker guardian: They are agressive and throw the player in the air. Found in shulker hideouts (drop: Shulker shells)

-Endeolegist:  a new villager profession (ender altar)

Items / Weapons:

-Shulker maze: throws enemys in the air (found in shulkerhideouts)

-Enderite Fragment: used to craft enderite ingots

-Enderite ingot: Crafted the same as netherite just with enderite fragment instead

-Enderite smithing template: found in all new end structures needed to upgrade diamond to enderite

-Enderite set: simular stats to netherite (alternative)

  • Armor: helmet, chestplate, leggins, boots
  • sword
  • pickaxe
  • axe
  • shovel
  • hoe

-Riftpearl: rightclick in the end to travel to the overworld (found in all end structures, can be traded)


floating (shulker maze): makes entitys levitate on hit (treasure enchantment) levels: 1

cleave (shulker maze): lets you throw up multible enemys at once (treasure enchantment) levels: 3


Thanks for reading everything :) 

Hope you enjoy this mod. 

If its recieved well i will surely update it and add more upgraded biomes to the list. If you have any feedback make sure to write it in the comments


Minecraft mod files
vanilla_enhanced-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar - requires geckolib mod in your mods folder Uploaded on: 05/29/2024 - 21:50   File size: 4.04 MB

I think it probably is a vast improvement over your previous badlands mod, keep getting better at what you like to do.