Even More Enchantments

Published by x8laye4r on
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This Modpacks adds new enchantments to the game!

Dependencies: Pehkiu https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/files/5393101


Poison Aspect: gives the attacked player/entity a poison
Ice Aspect: give the player/entity slowness and some particles spawn around the player
Wither Aspect: gives the attacked player/entity wither 
Bleeding: Gives the attacked player/entity a new effect named bleeding and the player/entity takes half a heart damage each tick
Curse Of Backfire: backfires damage to the attacker
Life Steal: gains life when a player attacks a entity
Auto Smelt: smelts ores automatically 
Forester (2.0.0 and above): acts like fortune on tree logs
Vision (2.1.0 and above): night vision when worn on a helmet 
Uselessness (3.0.0 and above): no enchantment can be added
Head Hunter (3.0.0 and above): 10% chance to drop heads
Warden Runner (3.0.0 and above): when warden is in 25 block radius it will grant you speed
Sculk Miner (3.0.0 and above): mines a 3x3x3 square of sculk
Echo Hit (3.0.0 and above): 5% chance to damage the entity twice 
Spice Shield (3.0.0 and above): reflects a random amout of damage
Adrenaline Boost (3.0.0 and above): when HP fall to 10% it will grant you speed, jump boost, strenght and regeneration
Double Jump (3.0.1 and above): Lets you double jump. Enchantment for your boots
Dodge Enchantment (3.1.0 and above): Attacks can be dodged partly. Full Set Bonus: Sometimes completly dodged damage
Disechanting (4.0.0 full release, 3.1.0 beta): extracts enchantments from items to a book
Curse Of Breaking (4.0.0 and above): lose durability to ervery enchantment level
Curse Of Flame (4.0.0 and above): when on fire, you burn forerver until you extinguishing yourself
Curse Of Weight (4.0.0 and above): every level of this enchantment on your armor gives you slowness. 
Soul Stealer (5.0.0 and above): chance to steal an amout of HP on entity death, but max of player max health
Timberfall (5.0.0 and above): fells the whole tree at once (breaks non tree logs too!!)
Vein Miner (5.0.0 and above): mines veins of ores
Luminous (5.0.0 and above): emmits light on player location
Magnet (5.0.0 and above): items get attracted 
Phantom Walker (5.0.0 and above): player glides down on the air (fall damage is enabled)
Water Walker (5.0.0 and above): allowes the player to walk on water (beta)
Drill (5.1.0 and above): mines a 3x3 square
Sixth Sense (5.1.0 and above): add glowing effect to the closest mob in an 10x10 radius 
Reach (5.1.0 and above): adds 1.5 blocks reach 
Gravity Well (5.2.0 and above): nearby mobs will be drawn to you
Attacker (5.2.0 and above): attack speeds will be faster
Harvester (5.3.0 and above): you get more crops while farming
Famine (5.3.0 and above): attacked player loses with a small chance food
Berserkir (5.3.0 and above): when health is lower or same as 6HP you'll get some effects wich boost you.


New Blocks:

Anti Lapis Ore: spawns in heights of -32 to 32
Anti Lapis Block: A block of the anti lapis ore
Disenchanter: extracts enchantments to a book using anti lapis (has JEI support)

New Items:

Anti Lapis: Is used to extract enchantments using the disenchanting table

Minecraft mod files
even_more_enchantments-4.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 11/08/2024 - 21:15   File size: 212.47 KB
even_more_enchantments-5.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 11/25/2024 - 19:18   File size: 235.87 KB
even_more_enchantments-5.1.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 11/27/2024 - 16:57   File size: 247.13 KB
even_more_enchantments-5.2.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 12/07/2024 - 10:52   File size: 256.21 KB
even_more_enchantments-5.3.0-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 12/22/2024 - 13:24   File size: 265.81 KB
  • Added Harvester
  • Added Famine
  • Added Berserkir