The Small Building

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Participant MCreator x CurseForge ModJam 2024


An image of the mod blocks

Small Building is a relatively small experience which adds a handful of building blocks.
They might just make your builds a tiny bit more interesting if you decide to use them!

In this one, you will find these features:

Bedrock Blocks and Plating (creative only though)
These are designed to be indestructible nice looking blocks that could come in handy when creating a project. It's implied that they are made of bedrock, however there is no way to craft them. There's even a solid black bedrock block which might be useful in some sort of way!

Kero Bricks
They're crafted with 2 Stone Bricks and 2 Moss Blocks. They resemble the Kero Sewers bricks from Super Mario RPG, being a shade of green but also pretty dark.


White Painted Planks

Some wood designs in real life are painted white, usually in suburban areas, so I've decided to create that in Minecraft! It's crafted with 1 plank and 1 White Dye, and comes in Planks, Stairs, Slabs, Fences, Fence Gates, Pressure Plates, and Buttons.


Mowed Grass

Mowed Grass is a new plant type block which is a shorter version of Grass. It might come in useful if you wanted blades of grass, but weren't satisfied with the length of regular Grass. It's created by right clicking Shears on Grass! It will also not drop any seeds, and requires Shears to obtain as an item. Silk Touch will work too.



The Keyboard is a decoration block that doesn't serve any other function related to Keyboards. It's mainly used for if you want to create a computer design, but pressure plates are not optimal for whatever reason. This could happen for instance if a mob walked over it and that somehow does something you don't want.

This was started pretty late, so It's pretty lacking and I'm not too confident in it. However, I thought I might as well make something for this competition.

I'm also excited to see all of the other mods this produces!

Also, If this one is actually favorable, then I might update it with more content if you all really want.
Ok everyone, happy modding!

Mod Trailer:

Minecraft mod files
small_building-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - Small Building v1.0 (Forge, 1.20.1) Uploaded on: 05/31/2024 - 06:14   File size: 174.34 KB

Added a lot of new sounds to existing blocks and even some to new blocks I've added.!