New Mod, by me (gamermc3454) consisting of many blocks, biomes, and *soon to be mobs!
- + (estimated:) 100 New Blocks!
- + 5-15 New Weapons!
- + New Advancements!
- And Tonnes of other new features!
- New Dimension! (Arsenalium)
- New Recipes!
I got bored one day so i decided to make this, last year and now i wanted to spread it to others while in development.
Epic Arsenal was born around the idea of a new and cool weapons involved mod to minecraft.
One day in late 2023, i started this project, and with positivity and strength in people wanting to spread this mod i can help with that!
(Current amount of Mod Elements: 584+ (as of 0.16.1))
100 DOWNLOADS! (10/6/24)
Thank you everyone for 100 downloads (on curseforge)!!!!! Goto the discord server (link below) to get the special edition i made for it! (special advancement which will stay in the game and is only obtainable normally in this version)
200 DOWNLOADS! (16/7/24)
Thank you everyone who has downloaded Epic Arsenal. You truely have made this small, stupid passtime for me worthwhile, more updates coming soon!
400 downloads! (13/10/24)
Thank ye lot for 400 downloads, alone on Curseforge. i am so greatful for all the almost 2 years of effort i have put into this mod!
My Mod Discord:
My YouTube:
My Linktree
Planet Minecraft:
Mod Version:
v0.18.0 Beta
New Ores:
New Stone:
New Wood Types:
Knoepant (Kh-no-pant)
New Biomes:
Ancestrial Plains
Amber Forest
Charred Forest
Crystal Caverns
Limestone Cave
Grassy Grove
Lunar Plains
New Weapons:
Big Axe
Spectral Blade
Quake Axe
Inferno Rod
Fire Sword
Custom Items/Tools/Blocks:
Amber Drawer
Amber Stool
Amber Table
New Effects:
Burned Hand (Fire Fingers)
New Structures:
Wanderer's Home
Medieval Cavern
Ancient Dungeon
Charred Shelter
Desert Tower
Slayers Throne
And so Much More!
Epic Arsenal 0.18.0 Beta
Sorry for this taking so long, i had ALOT to do since October, also the fact i got a new laptop for Christmas. So i tasked myself to make this in less than 7 days, and i think i did well, i started on Monday
New Features:
- Voidsteel Tools
- Enderpig Mob in Lunar Plains Biome, drops Enderchops
- Readded The Teleportation System of Lunarfruits, when ate !Still Work In Progress!
- Added Crafting Recipes for Diamond, Gold, Iron or Stone tools crafted using Knoepant Sticks to match the Wooden Tools
- Added an Energy block, currently can only be charged with a daylight detector on it, and only acts as a light source, with 5/6 levels.
- Endersickle Tool, 5.5 Attack Damage, and 2 Attack Speed.
- Game-rule to enable/disable new Block of Voidsteel Texture
- Slayer Miniboss no longer have a bossbar
- Amber Forests and Ancestrial Plains Are Now Slightly Less Common in The Overworld
- Crystal Caverns and Limestone Caves are Slightly Less Common in The Overworld
- Quake Axes have a Smaller Chance to Break the Ground when Hitting a Mob
- Updated the Height of Breaking Blocks in the Nether and End from Quake Axes to y=30+, up from y=20+
- Updated the Texture of Voidsteel Ore
- Steel, Arsenix, Magic Crystal, and Voidsteel Ores can No Longer be Rotated
- Lunarwood Planks can no longer be rotated
- Nerfed Arsenix and Steel Armours, and nerfed Arsenix, and Steel Tools
- Redid a lot of Creative Tab Block/Item Placements
- Lowered the Amount of Redstone Power Emitted by an Active Luminite Lamp to 1 From 2
- Nerfed the Life Drain Enchantment by Half
- Nerfed the Fire Resistance Enchantment, you Now Get a Limited Time of Fire Resistance (Effect) Rather than Infinite, and Made the Debuffs Lighter
- Nerfed Skystrike To Happen Less
- Life Drain and Reach Can No Longer Be Found in Villager Trades
- Wanderer's Home and Medieval Cavern Structures are Now rarer and Should Generate Together Less
- Desert Towers are Slightly Rarer
- Ancient dungeons are more common
- Lunar plains are now slightly bigger
- Lowered the output of bullets when crafted from 8 to 6
- Lowered the damage of bullets from 4 to 3
- Adjusted the blast resistance of crystal blocks
- Nerfed the blast radius of Inferno Rod's Fireball
- Lowered the Attack Damage of Inferno Rods from 8 to 6
- Lowered the Attack Speed of Inferno Rods from 1.1 to 1
- Updated block of Voidsteel's texture (Changeable with Game-rule)
Bug Fixes:
- Custom Enchants in This Mod Should Work Better with Custom Weapons from Other Mods, That Use the "enchantable/weapon" Item Tag
- Severely Nerfed The Spawning of Cod, Salmon and other Fishes in (Custom) Biomes.
- Redid the Spawning Weights of Mobs and Animals in Custom Biomes to Match Normal Values
- Fixed Crafting Recipe of Block of Voidsteel into Ingot, Having the Ore Instead
- It can no longer rain in Lunar Plains
It would be awesome if more content was presented with pictures, I'm sure there's a lot to like in this mod where pictures could tell more than words :D