NEXT UPDATE:update to 1.8
Thats my first mod for minecraft so some bugs can happen.This Mod is based on the anime and on the light novel Sword Art Online(SAO) so if you watch this you truly will like!My plan its add all the swords/items/mobs/bosses... of the anime.Im going to update this mod every time when i add one item on the game.But for now Enjoy!!
Version 1.1.7 has been released
Added Stick with Wool
Added Reinforced Stick
Added Ground Gorge Blade
Added Liberator Handle
Added Liberator
Added Ring of Agility
Added Crystal Frame
Added Teleport Crystal (W.I.P)
Added Healing Crystal
Added Blue Crystal Ore
Added Pink Crystal Ore
Added Blue Crystal Shards/Pink Crystal Shards
Added Unpolished Blue Crystal/Unpolished Pink Crystal
Added Polished Blue Crystal/Polished Pink Crystal
Added Chisel
Added Kirito ( W.I.P)
Added Sword Art Online Creative Tab
Changed Crafting Recipes
Finished Coat of Midnight
MOD FEATURES: Over 60 Addons!
-Crystallite Ore
-Dark Ore
-Shiny Ore
-Blue Crystal Ore
-Pink Crystal Ore
-Dead Wood
-Dead Wood Planks
-Crystallite Ingot
-Dark Ingot
-Black Iron
-Frenzy Boar Leather
-Dark Repulser Handle
-Anneal Blade Handle
-Elucidator Handle
-Red Spikes
-Shiny Ingot
-Red Iron
-Karakurenai Handle
-Lambent Light Handle
-Wind Fleuret Handle
-Guilty Thorn Handle
-Tyrant Dragon Handle
-Liberator Handle
-Ground Gorge Blade
-Blue Crystal Shards
-Pink Crystal Shards
-Unpolished Blue Crystal
-Unpolished Pink Crystal
-Polished Blue Crystal
-Polished Pink Crystal
-Crystal Frame
-Teleport Crystal (W.I.P)
-Healing Crystal
-Dark Repulser
-Anneal Blade
-Wind Fleuret
-Lambent Light
-Mate Chopper
-Ebon Dagger
-Shadow Dagger
-Tyrant Dragon
-Ground Gorge
-Black Dagger
-Guilty Thorn
-Coat Of The Midnight
-Ragout Rabbit Meat
-Cooked Ragout Rabbit Meat
-Dry Bread
-Dry Bread with Cream
-Frenzy Boar
-Kobold Sentinel
-Ragout Rabbit
-Kirito (W.I.P)
-Illfang The Kobold Lord
-Hill Of Memories
-Floor 19
-Dead Tree
-Pneuma Flower
There are still many things to do in this mod so stay atent on the updates
For now im only adding the SAO things but later ill add all the Alfhein Online and Gun Gale Online stuff.
I recomend use the not enough items mod to know the recipes because there are a lot to post here.
Feel free to make a mod review,but give me the credits and post the link of the video on comments!
Thats all Guys!Have Fun! =D
Frenzy Boar
Kobold Sentinels
Illfang The Kobold Lord
Hill of Memories:
When i have the mod (with Winrar) and SAO is in mod, I don't have the mod in the inventory (creative)
please i need help