Illager World War

Published by Al_42 on
Upvotes: 3
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In development
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Villagers and pillagers finally evolved their technology, and are now fighting each other with better weapons... and better tactics. And the players, regardless of their want, will have to get involved in this conflict. Now, the question is, what side will you be on?


This mod unleashes a world war between illagers, providing them with World War 1 Technology, while remaining as vanilla styled as possible. It also introduces some new mechanics to the game.


Retextures List

Some mobs and items have been retextured, to fit the WW1 theme.

  • Pillager (now has soldier uniform)
  • Vindicator (Has soldier uniform)
  • Evoker (has special uniform)
  • Witch (has uniform and gasmask, to be protected from her poison attacks)
  • Ravager (only slightly retextured, gonna be changed later)
  • Iron Golem (new polished texture)
  • Crossbow has been retextured and renamed to Bayonet Crossbow


New Mobs List


  • Villager Soldier (rifle) : spawns in villages
  • Villager Soldier (knife) : can be called to help during raids
  • Villager Soldier With Cannon (cannon model inspired from 1897 75 mm French Gun) : also called during raids
  • Villager Soldier Flying Biplane : rarely called during raids
  • Passive Villager Soldier
  • Villager Soldier (Flamethrower)


  • Pillager Soldier (rifle) : spawns in raids
  • Pillager Soldier With Cannon : rarer spawn in raids
  • Pillager Soldier Flying Biplane : rare spawn in raids
  • Pillager Soldier (Flamethrower) : very rare spawn, only in raids with Hard difficulty

Gameplay Features


  • villager soldiers spawn naturally in villages (tipically 6-7 soldiers per village)
  • raids can happen randomly, other than with bad omen effect
  • Pillager soldiers and planes can spawn rarely in the world
  • some structures have been modified, e. g. Pillager Outpost
  • pillager soldiers will spawn in raids
  • pillager cannons will spawn rarely in raids
  • pillager planes will spawn very rarely in raids
  • pillagers with flamethrowers will very rarely spawn in raids
  • when a raid starts, villager soldiers in the village will call help and generate more soldiers
  • sometimes, a pillager troup will spawn around the player at random (only in the overworld)
  • added a treaty to disable incursions (W.I.P.)
  • a new item has been added, the Help Bell (very rare drop from pillager planes) that will spawn a good amount of villager soldiers when used in a village that's being raided
  • added new ore, "red glowstone", used to brew potions to craft tipped arrows that will explode when hitting a target
  • added a set of weapons for player use (W.I.P.)
  • using commands, it is possible to switch teams and decide if to be on the villager or pillager side (villager is default)

Next update is going to add a way to recruit villager soldiers and make an army.


(the mod needs Geckolib installed to work)


I uploded this mod to curseforge as well.

Curseforge Link:

Minecraft mod files
Illager World War 1.0.0 (Minecraft Forge 1.20.1) .jar - First version of Illager World War Uploaded on: 08/19/2024 - 15:00   File size: 1.28 MB
Illager World War 1.1.0 Release (Forge 1.20.1).jar - Second version of Illager World War Uploaded on: 08/29/2024 - 12:22   File size: 1.74 MB

V. 1.1.0:

Made major bug fixes; added weapons for player use, along with some smaller features.


I'm new and this is the first and best mod I've seen. How do you download it?

There's the file section right above the comment one. You click on the file and it should download. Then you make a curseforge modpack and put the modfile in the mods folder. Or, if you want, you can just download it from curseforge, since I just uploaded a new version that I haven't gotten around to publishing here yet.

Can you make one for 1.16.5 please
It will be amazing the other mods

I could make a version for 1.16.5, but if I will, it won't get updated much. Also that's the lowest version I'll port the mod to. I'd like to also make an update for 1.21, so I'm more focused on up-porting than down-porting