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This mod adds 5 new magical biomes to your Minecraft world!
Rainbow Beach
This beach can be found bordering the land and sea in an array of pastel rainbow colors. The new rainbow Palm grows in this biome which can be harvested for it's wood. The beach is dotted with rainbow grass and shells.
Geode Cluster
Deep Underground an array of crystals have clustered together to form the amazing caves that make up the geode cluster. A strange new form of crystal vine seems to have evolved here and all that dust in the air can be good for your lungs!
Bloomeria Forest
Reminiscent of wisteria and willow trees the long droopy branches of the bloomeria rain flowers down onto the forest floor. Pastel rose bushes dot the landscape as the sun peaks through the canopy into the pastel wounder.
Rainbow Rose Meadow
A simple meadow full to bursting of the magical rainbow rose. The dye that can be made from these flowers can be made into an array of rainbow blocks to brighten up your world. The rainbow flower bushes that fill the landscape make for a wonderful addition to any garden.
Fungal Marsh
The darkened skies of the fungal marsh shine the brightest in the dark of night. The phosphorus mushrooms that fill the landscape come in many different sizes and set the night alive with there glow.
Initial release with 5 biomes
But beautiful mod!Congrulations