MBE - Absolumentium

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Academic Free License v3.0
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Where to Find "Absolumentium Ore"

It can only be found in the End dimension between heights 0 and 96. It spawns about 3 times per chunk, in veins of up to 3, throughout the End—even on the main island if you're lucky!

How to Craft Absolumentium Armor and Tools

To craft them, you'll need to find a "Forge Template for Absolumentium," which can only be found in structures called "End Castle Dungeons." You can then craft the armor and tools at a smithing table using:

  1. The Forge Template for Absolumentium
  2. The Netherite armor piece you want to upgrade to Absolumentium
  3. Absolumentium.

Where to Find "End Castle Dungeons"

This structure can only be found throughout the End dimension, except on the main island, at a height of 150 blocks since it's a floating island. It's almost twice as rare as an End City, but don't get discouraged!

How to Craft a "Forge Template for Absolumentium"

It's crafted similarly to the Netherite Forge Template, but replace the Netherite Forge Template with the one for Absolumentium, the Netherrack with Endstone, and the diamond with Netherite. You'll get 4 "Forge Templates for Absolumentium."

The New Mob: "End Zombie"

This zombie can only be found in the End dimension and will spawn everywhere except the main island where the Ender Dragon is. It behaves exactly like a zombie: it will try to kill villagers, break wooden doors, and when it drowns, it turns into a drowned zombie, it burns in sunlight etc.. It spots you from 32 blocks away and is slightly stronger than a regular zombie.

What Do Absolumentium Armor and Tools Offer?

Each piece of armor gives you extra hearts, and when fully equipped, you’ll have a total of 10 extra hearts! However, if you die, break, or unequip a piece, you’ll lose the bonus hearts based on how many pieces you have on.

Absolumentium armor and tools have double the stats of Netherite! (For example, a Netherite sword has "8 damage," "2031 durability," and "1.6 attack speed," while an Absolumentium sword has "16 damage," "4062 durability," and "3.2 attack speed.") The only exception is enchantability, which is 44 (double that of gold).

With the sword, if you right-click on a block, all entities within 10 blocks around you will be struck by lightning, dealing 50 damage. Survivors will be set on fire for nearly 6 seconds! (Flammable blocks won’t catch fire, and certain entities will be spared from the lightning: Items, Armor Stands, Villagers, Wolves, Cats, Horses, Skeleton Horses, Zombie Horses, Donkeys, Mules, Camels, Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and Players). After using this ability, you’ll need to wait 10 seconds to use it again, and each use will reduce the sword's durability by 1.

The "Absolumentium Boots" allow you to double-jump up to 4.5 blocks and can be used to cushion your fall by double-jumping before hitting the ground.

The "Absolumentium Helmet" makes you immune to suffocation damage (like when underwater).

Wearing a full set of Absolumentium armor makes you immune to fire damage.

Other Things to Know

  • The Fortune enchantment works on Absolumentium ore, and so does Silk Touch!
  • You can create a beacon from Absolumentium blocks!
  • Some news achievments are available!
  • The "End Zombie" drops XP, and Absolumentium ore does too (except with Silk Touch).
Minecraft mod files
MBE - Absolumentium 1.1.0-neoforge-1.20.6_0.jar - MBE - Absolumentium 1.1.0-neoforge-1.20.6 Uploaded on: 11/01/2024 - 17:24   File size: 239.98 KB
MBE - Absolumentium 1.1.0-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - MBE - Absolumentium 1.1.0-forge-1.20.1 Uploaded on: 11/01/2024 - 17:24   File size: 242.1 KB
MBE - Absolumentium 1.0.0-neoforge-1.20.6_0.jar - MBE - Absolumentium 1.0.0-neoforge-1.20.6 Uploaded on: 11/01/2024 - 17:23   File size: 228.68 KB
MBE - Absolumentium 1.0.0-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - MBE - Absolumentium 1.0.0-forge-1.20.1 Uploaded on: 11/01/2024 - 17:23   File size: 230.54 KB


  1. Added head movement to Ender Zombies, similar to all other mobs (previously, they did not move their heads and remained upright).
  2. Ender Zombies no longer swim in water; they sink and transform into drowned zombies if submerged for too long (similar to regular zombies).
  3. Fixed the achievement "The Absolute Being." Previously, you had to obtain the full armor set and sword to unlock the achievement, but you could unlock it by having each of the five items once. Now, you need to have all the items at the same time, and the armor must be fully equipped.
  4. Ender Zombies now have glowing eyes (like Endermen, with shaders making the effect as striking as Endermen’s eyes).
  5. Absolumentium ore, when mined with Silk Touch, can now be smelted in furnaces and blast furnaces.
  6. Fixed a bug where tutorial books wouldn’t spawn in version 1.20.6 of the mod (these books spawn when you first enter the world and act as a guide for the mod).
  7. The mod, previously translated into English and French, is now also translated into Spanish.
  8. Two new achievements are now available.