Usage: The Bobots mod adds one main feature, the Bobot or Big. Oversized. Bot. Of. Terror !. Bobots are large, bipedal mecha that fire energy bombs as an attack. They can be obtained by crafting all of the individual Bobot parts into a Bobot spawn egg. Right click on a Bobot's feet to climb inside. Once inside any right clicks will fire an energy bomb a little above where the player's cursor is. Be careful not to use your melee weapon while inside as this may damage the Bobot.
Simply follow the following crafting recipes
Dependencies/Notes: This mod doesn't technically have any, but it was designed with Leawind's Third Person in mind. The mod is near unplayable without it. Also get feather falling on your boots, you're gonna need it.
You can also download, or view the mod on Curseforge if the images are giving you trouble.