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Memory Nodes
Step into the future of communication with the Memory Node Mod! This sleek, metallic sphere isn't just a shiny trinket—it's your personal gateway to private chat networks, secret alerts, and anonymous messaging. Whether you're coordinating with your crew or sowing some sneaky chaos, the Memory Node has got you covered!
What is the Memory Node?
The Memory Node is straight out of a science fiction dream—a cutting-edge gadget that is a polished metal sphere. But this little device isn't just for looking good; it revolutionizes how you talk with your friends (or enemies) in Minecraft.
How It Works
- Name It to Claim It:
Rename your Memory Node in an anvil to create a unique chat group. - Private Messaging:
Type a message while holding your Memory Node, and only players with a Node of the same name will see it. No eavesdropping allowed! But remember, it only has a range of 2000 blocks and doesn't work across dimensions! - Cool Commands for Clever Players:
Start your message with these commands to change the style of your message:- !warn: Need attention fast? This command makes your message bold and flashy—perfect for emergencies!
!anonymous: Feeling sneaky? This command hides your name, leaving your friends guessing who sent the message.
Example: !warn Be careful! --> Output: Message on (Name of Memory Node) by (Player Name): Be careful!
Why You Need It
- Plan in Secret:
No more giving away your plans in open chat. Keep your strategies secure and surprise your opponents! - Teamwork, Reimagined:
Coordinate like pros with your group using your very own private network. - Add Some Mystery:
Anonymous messages will make every chat a guessing game. Who's the prankster this time?
Modrinth Link: https://modrinth.com/mod/memory-nodes
Curseforge Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/memory-nodes
cool mod! mind putting it on curseforge?