Kid Danger Mod

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In development
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Hello! Welcome to the Kid Danger Mod! This is my first ever mod using MCreator. I'm not a coder or anything. Just wanted to create something fun based on an old show I used to watch when I was younger. Things may be a little buggy sorry for that! But none the less I hope you enjoy the mod!

P.S. I will be updating things later on, possibly adding Captain Man, etc.

How to craft Empty Injector Viles!
-Piston, Glass Bottle, and Dripstone = Empty Injector Vile

How to craft suit up Bubble Gum!
-Find Crude Oil, then bucket it.
-Brew Bucketed Crude Oil into Butane Mixture.
-Butane Mixture, Bottle of Honey, and Slime Ball = Raw Gum Base.
-Raw Gum Base and Bowl = Gum Base.
-Gum Base and Rose Dye = Bubble Gum.

How to craft Danger Serum!
-Kill Spiders to obtain Spider's Fang.
-Empty Injector Vile and Spider's Fang = Spider Venom.
-Grass gives Lizard Scales.
-Lizard Scales, Blaze Powder, and Spider Venom = Danger Serum.

Minecraft mod files
kiddangermod-1.19.4-0.0.1.jar - Kid Danger Mod 1.19.4 v0.0.1 Uploaded on: 01/30/2025 - 16:58   File size: 232.12 KB