The Fallen Star Plus is a mod that adds various items focused about stars, meteors or the Void.
This mod adds stuff like:
• A new Dimension: InABlackHole: TheVoid
• Many different Items focused arount the new dimension
• New Ores
• New Armor and Tools
• Nice 3D-Models made by me, MrPlantera and TH_Tomate
• New entitys
• A new Bossfight, summoned in the new Dimension
• And much more!
If you note any bugs or issues, contact me under @OneFallenRose in Discord.
Thanks for Mcreator for making this mod possible!
• Creator of the Mod: OneFallenRose (me :D)
• Creator of a few textures and 3D-Models: MrPlantera (my brother)
• Creator of a few 3D-Models and "mental helper" in generel: TH_TOMATE
•Special thanks to: Plastikmaniac, Birxsy and Space__Lev
Version. 1.2:
• Fixed Abitlitys for the ShinyMeteorTools and MeteoriteTools
• Fixed Darkness Necklace and changed what it does
• Added GalaxiteSoup that when eaten gives you 55 XP orb things (5 levels from level 0)
• Added Blasting Recipies for some ores
• Fixed VoidWoodTrees and and the Island Structures where trees are spawning so leaves are actually removing stuff yeah
• Changed all the 3 Void-Grass blocks to now have a 1 in 10 chance to drop a void stick instead of a 100% chance
• Fixed ore spawing
• Added Dark Amethyst Armor
• Adjusted Recipes, damage, durability and spawn rates of a lot of different things
Version. 1.1:
• Added a music Disc for the Song ive made (out of parts from TobyFox Deltarune) named Vs.THEWORLD
• Added CryingObsidian Shard and CryingMeteorite Shard made out of 1 block of the material and you get 9
-> Changed some recipies that included those blocks
• Added The "GiantVoidSword" which is crafted out of the unstableBlackhole, which does a lot (loot ingame)
• Added The "BlackHoleRing" which is crafted out of the unstableBlackhole and gives withereffect immunity
• Added Attributes to the Mod
-> Changed "Fallen Love" to now give attribute buffs instead of Potion-Effects
• Added the DarknessNecklace which also uses attributes
• Added MeteoriteArmor and Tools which can be crafted out of Meteorite
-> They are a worse version of the ShinyMeteoriteArmor
• Fixed VoidWitherKnight Bossmusic playing very wierdly if the player dies
• Made VoidLeaves break after the Log gets broken
• Made the VoidArena Strcuture actually generate
• Changed Recipes
• Fixed a lot of other bugs (like, really a lot)
Version 1.0:
• Repaired cooldown of "FallenLove" and "TheOnlyVoidRing"
• Changed names of both creative inventory tabs
• Made "TheOnlyVoidRing" texture more clean, more crisp, more shiny
• Made the "music" that plays if you go in the Void under -64 less loud
• Changed soundeffects of "VoidBoneBlock" and "VoidFire"
• Changed "VoidFire" to now correctly disappear if the block under it gets broken
• Changed the "BlackHoleParticle2 (the one which looks like flames)" to be smaller
• Reworked "Blackhole-Scepter":
-> Changed Sound when right-clicking
-> Changed size and Speed of "BlackHoleParticle1 (the one which looks like little purple stars)"
-> Blackhole-Scepter does no longer do 7 attack damage when left clicking
-> You now need 1 "Blackhole Pearl" as an ammo to use the Blackhole-Scepter (new item)
-> in creative mode you need no ammo
-> Changed cooldown from 2 to 4
-> Changed Lore of the Item
• Added Crafting Recipe for "Blackhole-Pearl", crafted out of 1 Diamond and 2 Darkstone Dust
• Changed Markus-Follower Loot
• Added 4 PureDarknessUndergroundStructures which spawn under -64 in the void
-> They include Chests with PureDarkness Items
-> Spawners with Markus-Follower
-> Blocks like "PureDarknessBlock", "VoidLeaves" and "VoidWood"
• Added the "UnstableBlackhole" 3D item which is used to craft the BlackholeScepter
• Rebalanced Stardustsword, Starscepter and NetheriteStarscepter
• Rebalanced BlackholeScepter
• Rebalanced Stardust
• Rebalanced OneFallenRose (which does nothing ;))
• Added 3 very rare anomalys into the Dimension
• Changed Void-Saplings name
• Changed VoidWoodFence to now correctly work like a fence
• Added Crafting Recipe for the ShinyBlade
• Added 4 new underground-Structures that spawn under -64 where you can find Markus-Follower spawners and chests with new loot
• Added the "VoidBookshelf", a decorative block crafted out of Voidplanks
-> It adds more enchantment point for a enchantment table then the normal bookshelfs, so you only need 8 VoidBookshelfs for level 30 enchantments
• Added a Speed 1 for 200 ticks for rightclicking with shiny meteor-tools (shiny-blade gets speed 2)
• Removed MeteorScepter and Chickennuggetstwenty from the creative tab, since i didnt get those items finished in time
• Rebalanced the 2 Stardust-Scepters again (like dang those things were broken)
• Changed creative tab order again
• Added and Removed Advancments
• Added new Structure "VoidArena"
-> You can find the "Spiral Spawner" which when right-clicked with the "VoidWitherKnightTotem" Item (crafted out of 3 Void-Skeleton Skulls and 4 Void-Souls) summons the new Boss: "VoidWitherKnight"
-> Added new song made by me which plays during the battle against the VoidWitherKnight
-> When killed, the voidWitherKnight will drop a "VoidStar", which is able to craft a UnstableBlackhole
-> The spiralSpawner Block cant be crafted or broken
-> Added 2 new lootables for the VoidArena
-> Fixed Song not playing/stoping if in multiplayer
Version 0.4-Beta:
• Added new Mob "Markus-Follower" which spawns under -80 in the Void Dimension
• Void Skeleton now only spawns above -64
• Added 2 new Mob heads for the Void-Skeleton and Markus-Follower
• Added the "Pure Darkness Shard" and "Pure Darkness Block" which can be got from Markus-Follower
• Added tools for the Pure Darkness Shard
• Now random sounds will no longer play in the void (those who know)
• There are now PureDarknessSoul blocks, which can be crafted out of PureDarkness Nuggets
• Changed all Variables to now no longer share to all Players
• Added crafting recipe for MeteorSouls
• Finished "ShinyBlade"
• Added new Creative Tab called: The fallen Star Plus: Building Blocks
• Changed the Order of the Items in the Creative tabs
• Changed the Textures of "Meteorite" and "RawMeteorite"
Version 0.3-Beta:
• MeteorSouls no longer spawns under water
• Made VoidHayballStructures more common
• Made the IslandStructures more common
• Added the "Meteor Staff"
-> Thanks for TH_TOMATE for the 3D model
• Added the "Shiny Blade"
-> Thanks for MrPlantera for the 3D model
• Removed Void-Sceletons spawning in the Overworld
• Added the Void-Wood woodset and tree, aswell as sapling
-> (they spawn on flying islands)
• Added new Tags to: VoidStone, VoidDeepslate, VoidPlanks, VoidLogs (and the other logs),
Voiddirt, Voidgrassblock and the ores to make them now available as a crafting component for vanila recipes
-> (like a furnace crafted from Voidstone or a bookshelf crafted from Voidplanks)
• Worked more at a very complex bossfight, but sadly i couldnt implement it in the mod yet
• Changed Galaxite Ore to now have a 50% chance of Rawgalaxite and 50% of VoidStone
-> (done to make raw galaxite a bit more rare since it spawns a lot and the caves should still have a good amount of ores)
• Changed the VoidChest-Structures to now only spawn above -64
• Made VoidStoneDiamond available under -26 instead of under -40
• Made the VoidChest-Structures more common
• Added MeteorChest-Structure that spawns under -64 and contains som
ewhat different loot
• Changed the ShinyMeteorite Tools and Armor to be repairable with Meteorite, Shiny Meteorite Ingot, and Shiny scrap
• Changed the Duarbilty of ShinyMeteorite Tools and Armor
• Changed MeteorChest-Structure to now contain better Loot and less of "worse" loot
Looks pretty cool 👀