Better Biomes (The Desert Part)

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Better Biomes Mod (The Desert Part)

Skeleton Villager (Deals 3 Hearts of damage and is speedy, will spawn during the day time and spawns in a Ruined Village, drops Bones and possibley a carrot.)
Mummy (Deals 2 and a half Hearts of damage and will spawn during the day time, drops Rotten flesh and possibley Paper.)


Palm Tree
Oasis (Gold Ore)
Ruined Village (Spawns with Chest and Mob Spawners)
Pyramid (Chest Spawns inside of a Pharaoh's Tomb)


Palm Log
Palm Leaves

This Mod is The Desert Part of a mod that I will be releasing called 'Better Biomes' which will bring better Mobs, Ores and Structures to current Biomes in game, Release date is unknown at the time of uploading this part.



Minecraft mod files
Better Biomes (The Desert Part).jar - Better Biomes (The Desert Part) Uploaded on: 09/05/2019 - 17:23   File size: 110.47 KB

I like the mod! It is good enough to fit into my modpack. the only thing is I can only add mods to it that are on curse forge. Would you be willing to upload it to curse forge?

I have read all of the comments and I think it's best to create your own textures. Use Novaskin Resourcepack creation or (You can also use Photoshop). You could also download a standard resourcepack from and edit the vanilla textures in some program (The color, the shading, the lightning, the saturation). But it is a nice mod =)

Good mod, but it isn't that difficult to draw your own textures. You could also use vanilla or MCreator templates to make the new ones

This is false, it's actually very difficult to make your own texture, you have to get the shadeing right on a specific pixel, the right colors, etc, it's easier to use another one but I did not know this was BOP, I will try to get another texture from some where else.

Just like everything else, at first it can be difficult, but the more you practice the more you will master your skills. When I started modding, my textures were extremely weird; now they are still weird (a bit less but they still feel very out of place XD) but at least I try to do them by myself, because the important is trying. I'm glad you now decided to draw them by yourself :)