I AM BACK! 2 long years since I've been awhile, Its good to be back! Okay, 5 Towers Of Doom as been remade from the ground up to Form Towers Of Doom (aka 5TOD2). I decided to start from the beginning to be more polished on the items within the game but don't worry more will be coming. if your an OG of this mod you would notice alot as been removed but don't worry they'll be coming back soon. Also Mcreator has changed SO MUCH and i was able to do new things along with things I've been wanting to do with this mod for awhile! Towers Of Doom Doesn't add alot as of right now but all will be changed soon.
Towers Of Doom is a RPG Mod that evolves Exploring and Conquering Towers. It Contains only 38 items but theirs more to come!
Check The Change Log to see what contains in the mod and keep up to date!
Like the mod, Help me out by throwing your ideas in the comment
(Black) Steel Ore
Hot Metal Ore
Red Shadow Diamond Ore
Devil Shadow Ore
(Black) Steel Ingot
Hot metal Ingot
Red Shadow Diamond
Devil Shadow Ingot
(Black) Steel Block
Hot Metal Block
Red Shadow (Diamond) Block
Devil Shadow Block
(Black) Steel Sword
Hot metal Sword
Red Shadow Sword
Devil Shadow Sword
Along with pickaxes but no other tools (seem kind of pointless to add the other tools)
Armor for all Metals
(Infinity) Healing Pearl
Earth Orb (Pointless but will play out as the mod goes on)
Tower Defenders
Tower Guardians
Tower Golem
Tiny Towers
Small Towers
Medium Towers
Large Towers
More To come
@#1 its not even in the MB the size of the file is 768.81 KB so its surprisingly small and thanks for the support :D have fun with the mod and let me know if you find any thing wrong or just an idea