Wanderer's Artifacts
Please notice:
1)This is my first and test mod
2) [DISCLAIMER] All item icons are references to EVE Online, they are belong to CCP and their proper owners.
These items gives their holder a permament buff as long as they keep them in inventory.
Buff list:
In addition, these buff's are at high level (higher than common minecraft potions can give), also they have a "side effects", every artefact has it's own debuff. Also, as this is an "In development" version, effects could be changed.
For additional information check changelog
Have fun!
-Version 0.93.1
Mod restored(because recently .mcr was damaged), and from a new content can be introduced
- Added new tool's: Omni Tool(like multitool), Obsidian Omni Tool, Energized Obsidian Omni Tool
- Strontium Clathrates stack limit is now 4
- Antipharmakon Toxot now provides Regeneration 4
If you are looking for recipes, check folder "Recipes" in .JAR file
-Version 0.93
Skipped ver.0.91-0.92 because of rewritting mod and mcreator issues with procedure system.
Major introductions:
- Added new ore blocks: Heavy Ice, Blue ice
- Added new ore: Heavy Ice Ore, Blue Ice Ore
- Added new fuel: Strontium Uranat, tick rate 72000 (about 60mins in furnace)
- Added new biome: frosty Ice biome, spawns with enormous amount of ice blocks
- Added new material: Heavy Water, Blue Water, Active Chemical's
Minor introductions
- Re-Issued "Strontium Clathrates" recipe, for details open "Recipes" folder in .jar file
- Iokira artefact now gives effects: Strength 5 and Hunger 3
- Aeolis artefact now gives effects: Speed 5 and Mining Fatigue 3
- Thureo artefact now gives effects: Resistance 5(Invulnerablity) and Weakness 5(unable to deal damage to mobs)
- Toxot artefact now gives effects: Night Vision 2 and Nausea 4
- Kosubo artefact now gives effects: Haste 5 and Blindness 4
-Version 0.90a
- added Recipe's screenshots in .JAR file (opens with RAR-archiever and open folder Recipes)