RWAS-Random Weapons And Stuff Mod

Published by QB on
Upvotes: 3
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Hello everyone, welcome to R.W.A.S a.k.a Random Weapons And Stuff mod. I'm QB_ the mod creator.

Thanks to MrCrayfish's Model CreatorBlockbench and of course, MCreator, I have created these weapons and stuff. The mod updates once a week. If you love the mod, remember to upvote, thanks!


I. The contents of my mod:

1. Weapons:

-Four types of Energy Katana: Base Energy, Tesla, Plasma, and Laser (Inspired by Shogo Heavy Industries mod for Fallout: New Vegas)

- Hawkeye or Ronin Blade (from Avengers: Endgame) 

- Nightstick and Riot Baton

- Spear / Naginata 

- Ka-bar Combat Knife 

- Hidden Blade

- Shock Blade (Inspired by the Assassin's Creed Franchise)

- Shadow Blade [a wrist mounted crossbow]  (Inspired by the Assassin's Creed Franchise)

- Zweihander 

- Four types of Energy Tanto: Base Energy, Tesla, Plasma, and Laser (Inspired by Shogo Heavy Industries mod for Fallout: New Vegas)

- Throwing Ka-bar 

- Ice Blade (Froze an entity upon it get hit)

- Glaive (Right click to shoot if you have arrows in your inventory)  [uncraftable, there is a slight chance of obtained upon the death of Dark Shogun]

- Ultimate Tesla Katana (Summon lightning by right click on a block)

- Justice Sword (Inspired by Shadow of Death game on mobile) [uncraftable, there is a slight chance of obtained upon the death of Maximus]

- Tactical Axe 

- Fire Scythe  [uncraftable, too OP for survival]

- Black Axe  [uncraftable, too OP for survival]

- Love and Hate brass knuckles (Inspired by Fallout: New Vegas)

- Ultimate Laser Katana (sneak and right click on a block to explode any blocks or entity around except you)

- Trench Knife

- Daisho (Inspried by Shadow Fight 2)

- Hidden gun (Inspired by the Assassin's Creed Franchise)

- Altair Sword (Inspired by Assassin's Creed franchise)

- Push Dagger

- Lynx's Claws (Inspired by Shadow Fight 2 game) 

- The Sting (Inspired by Shadow Fight 2 game) 

2. Stuff and blocks:

- Pencil (yes, it is a weapon)

- Bottle (can be used as a weapon)

- Walking Stick or Dress Cane (can be used as a weapon) 

- Fencing Foil 

- Microphone

- Briefcase gun

- Throwing card

- Bolt

- .22 LR ammo

- Stimpak (Inspired by Fallout: New Vegas) [right click in the air to heal yourself]

- Frosted Steel (for crafting purpose)

- Laser Cartridge (for crafting purpose)

- Tesla Cartridge (for crafting purpose)

- Plasma Cartridge (for crafting purpose)

- Energy Katana Blade (for crafting purpose)

- Energy Katana Arm Guard (for crafting purpose)

- Energy Katana Hilt (for crafting purpose)

- Stealth Boy (inspired by the Fallout Franchise) [right click in the air to become invisible, right click in air while crouching to become visible]

- Stoned Cyber Laser/plasma/tesla Samurai (block that spawn cyber samurai when an entity walk on it)

- Dark Shogun Gravestone (summon Dark Shogun boss when a player broke the block)

3. Mobs:

- Cyber Laser Samurai

- Cyber Tesla Samurai

- Cyber Plasma Samurai

- Ronin/Hawkeye

- Cyber Warrior

- Dark Shogun

- King Guardian Maximus [Inspired by Shadow of Death game on mobile]

- Fallen Soul

- Lynx boss [Inspired by Shadow Fight 2 game]

4. Structure Spawns:

- Dark Shogun Tomb (spawn in desert, plains, jungle, taiga, swampland, and forest biomes)

- Ice Wall (spawn in frozen river, frozen ocean, ice flats, ice mountains, and ocean biomes)

​​​​​- Abandoned NCR ranger station (spawn in forests and plains biomes)

5. Armors:

- Spetsnaz Helmet

- Bike Helmet

- Heavy Shogo Assault Armor set (Inspired by Shogo Heavy Industries mod for Fallout: New Vegas)

- Light Shogo Assault Armor set (Inspired by Shogo Heavy Industries mod for Fallout: New Vegas)



 I hope you guys enjoy my mod.

Thank you for following the development of R.W.A.S! Have fun and QB_ out!


-This mod required Minecraft Forge (the recommended version at the time writing this)

-If you get hurt by spamming right click with the Ultimate Version of Energy Katanas, this is not a bug, I did it intentionally to balance the OP-ness of them.

-I'd recommend you guys to download "Just Enough Items Mod" to know the recipes of these weapons and stuff if you haven't already.

-All of my current blocks are a bit buggy because of its region is in the wrong place, hopefully I will be able to fix it in version 1.6.0

- This is not a requirement, but I'd recommend you guys to download "Better Combat Mod", a mod which let you dual wielding weapons because its going to make my mod more fun, like dual wielding tanto.



Modification files
RWAS-random weapons and stuff 1.5.6.jar Uploaded on: 06/23/2019 - 16:34   File size: 1.46 MB
RWAS-random weapons and stuff 1.5.7.jar Uploaded on: 07/01/2019 - 16:24   File size: 4.11 MB
RWAS-random weapons and stuff 1.5.8.jar Uploaded on: 07/08/2019 - 13:23   File size: 4.36 MB
RWAS-random weapons and stuff 1.5.9.jar Uploaded on: 07/20/2019 - 03:45   File size: 4.45 MB

Very cool mod, I algo made Lynx Claws, and some other Shadow fight weapons, like the composite sword.

I love the composite sword, I don't know how to do it yet though, I'm so glad that I'm not the only on who brings Shadow Fight to minecraft minecraft :)