The Tech Mod

Published by Ultame on
Upvotes: 3
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Project status
In development
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(32 3D models!) Hello, this mod has a purpose to add technology to your game  they are not fully functional right now but they are good cosmetically. This mod adds a computer, 3 MPhones, 1 FlipPhone, Monitor, Smart TV, Blockstation 64, Gaming chair and controller, and much more!


Im always open for suggestions!

Minecraft mod files
The Tech Mod V1.1.4.jar Uploaded on: 06/30/2019 - 17:20   File size: 832.78 KB
The Tech Mod V1.2.jar Uploaded on: 06/30/2019 - 18:20   File size: 840.96 KB
The Tech Mod V1.2.1.jar Uploaded on: 06/30/2019 - 23:33   File size: 849.52 KB
The Tech Mod V1.2.2.jar Uploaded on: 07/01/2019 - 06:08   File size: 882.59 KB


Added more screenshots!



Update 1.2.2:

1. Added the Smart Watch!


Update 1.2.1:

1. Remade the models for all of the phones (MPhones and the Flippy9) to better fancier models!


Update 1.2:


1. Added a CRT TV as well as CRT and recipes for them.


Update 1.1.4:


1. M Phones, Computers, and TVs now have sounds!


Updated Mcreator to 1.9.0 and now this mod is being continued in Mcreator 1.9.0!


Update 1.1.3:


1. Added a TV show to the Smart TV

Update 1.1.2:

1. Made phone recipes shapeless


Update 1.1:

1. Recipes for the phones

2. New items

3.Cungo (a game on the MPhones)


Update 1.0:


Made the mod!

I will update this mod more overtime!

I have PERMANENTLY abandoned this mod, BUT I am planning on releasing a "The Tech Mod 2" On this site with new updated models, new phones, buildings (a rival phone business for M. Industries), items, recipes, apps, different minecraft versions, and much, much more! I will see you there. (it will be started in Mcreator 2020.2, and hopefully finished in Mcreator 2!)

I'm sorry modders i have temporarily abandoned this mod im currently working on a new mod but i will come back to mod eventually!

Modders, Once i get enough suggestions ill make those suggestions in game then update this mod to the Suggestion update got it? make sure to reply to my other comment with suggestions!

Hello modders! I need your help for this mod reply to this comment with suggestions for me to add to the mod, thanks!