Infinite Block

Published by imxiaoanag on
Upvotes: 2
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Supported Minecraft versions

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Welcome to Infinite Block!

This mod brings new blocks and a new dimension, as well as the whole new system of the update-available tools.

How can I use this mod?

Download Minecraft 1.12.2 and the latest Forge for 1.12.2, download the mod and drop it inside mod folder.

Will this mod receive further update?

No. As the original files are no where to be found, and the mod itself isn't good enough for me now, so this mod won't receive any updates.

But in a near future, I may start a project to make a redux version for Fabric Loader and hopefully it will be a better mod.

Which file should I download?

This is quite obvious, please download the latest file in the download section.

Other projects I'm working on:

Xiaoan's Farming Core | Xiaoan's Mooncake Fever(WIP) | ······

Minecraft mod files
Infinite Block 0.0.1.jar - The latest version which is a release version Uploaded on: 10/08/2019 - 11:14   File size: 213.85 KB
InfiniteBlock0.0.1build2.jar - The 2nd Dev version Uploaded on: 09/30/2019 - 10:07   File size: 196.54 KB
infinite0.0.1build1.jar - The 1st Dev version Uploaded on: 09/24/2019 - 10:19   File size: 335.81 KB