The Legend of the Brave

Published by IETlord on
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English comes from mechanical translation,It may not match the text in the game.

This module also uploaded courseforge, and I marked the use of mcreator production in courseforge, I hope you can support it, grateful!:

You may encounter the situation that there is nothing in the module. I don't know why. Generally, it's OK to change the name without space, such as pure numbers. I changed several MCs myself. Every time I installed something, so I don't know why.


Help book     
Used to tell you what forging table and summoning table can do            

Made of iron ingots for synthesizing chain sleeves

Lava water            
The water polluted by mysterious substances flows very fast without any fluctuation on its surface. It is like a pool of stagnant water. It can only be distinguished by careful observation, so it needs special care.            

Lava of Thunder            
Lava contaminated with the force of thunder will only be produced in hell, and the surface is almost identical to hell rock. The only difference is that it has a weak brightness, so be careful not to fall into the pool of thunder.            

Forge furnace
To forge most of the items in the module, (don't click forge continuously, you will lose your material in vain, notice)            

The boss used to call the module,Calling different BOOS will have different weather effects (don't click summon continuously, it will lose your material in vain, notice)           

The witness of the brave            
Killing a botnet drops and putting it on your body will increase your mining speed. The effect will not overlap.            

Chapter of the strong            
Killing Limru Turnpest drops and puts it on the body to provide speed buff. The higher the satiety, the stronger the speed buff.            

The evidence of the dead            
Killing the God falls and puts it on the body to provide power buff. The lower the blood volume, the stronger the power buff is provided.           

Mysterious seal            
The necessary items for making rule sets can fly with them, and kill any creature with a 0.01% chance of falling. They are not affected by enchantments such as robbery.

Unusual bones            
Kill Anz Ur Gong, synthesize bones from bones, and synthesize Skeleton King suit from bones.            
Bones and fragments can be synthesized into Bone swords            

Blank diamond            
The mysterious diamond of the base, used to make other diamonds.            

Mysterious diamond            
A mysterious diamond that does not need to be synthesized on a forging table. Nobody knows where it leads.            

Diamond in hell           
At the forging table, right-click to go directly to hell. Note, this is a one-way ticket.            

Ground diamond            
At the forging table, right-click to go straight to the end. Note, this is a one-way ticket.            

Diamond World            
At the forging table, right-click to go directly to the main world. Note that this is a one-way ticket.            

Unnamed diamond            
In the forging table synthesis, right-click to go directly to the dimension of anonymity. Note that this dimension is extremely dangerous, and this is a one-way ticket.            

Chaotic soil, chaotic trunk, chaotic leaves, chaotic stones            
An unnamed dimension of the exclusive box, covered with strange eyes, walking on it will feel dizzy, if you try to destroy it, you will San value plummet, and get the curse of evil gods.            
When time comes, you will die with your experience, and the creation model is no exception.            
Digging the chaotic soil after being cursed by evil spirits will skip the time and die directly.            
If your equipment has the ability to remove potion effects, you will skip the timer and die directly.            
Milk can't lift the curse of evil spirits, and immortality totem can't save your death.

World Gemstone Block            
Used to make regular ingots            
In addition, the World Gem Block can also be used as a star base, can grow crops (without water), can provide 10 levels of enchantment.


Zombies: Self-exploding Soldiers            
Self-exploding, but because TNT blocked the view on the head, it often reacted slowly, did not like to make sound, and sometimes stood in place, because they did not know if there was a way ahead.            
Blood volume 5, common attack 3, explosion damage is huge, it is recommended to stay away            
Kill and drop TNT            

Zombies: Soldiers            
It's powerful with two diamond swords, and the pumpkin lantern on its head is the symbol of a zombie man.            
Blood volume 30, attack 14, armor 10, initially recommended to stay away            
Kill a diamond, and have a small chance of dropping a diamond sword in your hand and a pumpkin lantern on your head.            

Zombies: Plague Carriers            
Like the appearance of ordinary zombies, do not like to make sound, mixed in the zombies, let you defensive.            
Blood volume 20, attack 1, close to the player will be infected with disease, get poisoning for 50 seconds, it is recommended to stay away.            
Kill dead carrion and slowly return to blood when hurt            

Zombies: Evolutionists            
The mutant zombies at the level of life have the same appearance and loud voice as ordinary zombies.            
Blood 50, Attack 10, Armor 50, Immune Flame, Drowning, Lightning, Damage, Potions, Cactus            
Kill any golden apple or immortal Totem            
Injury strengthens one's own defense and greatly weakens one's injuries.            
Close to the player will burn, slow, satiety at 5, while modifying the time to night.            
Extremely dangerous. Keep away from it.            

You are too beautiful.            
It is said that this is a chicken who likes basketball. It is very fast and can be tamed with bones.            
Blood 20, Attack 1, Armor 20, Immune Flame, Drowning, Lightning, Damage, Potions, Cactus            

Two seniors            
It is said that this is a pig awakening the strength of blood, saddle it, take out the carrot fishing rod, and start flying in the world!            
Blood volume 30, Attack 3            
Immune Flames, Drowning, Lightning, Damage, Drugs, Cactus            

Dreaming cattle            
Watching their own ethnic group being slaughtered in front of their own eyes, young people learn from iron puppets, awakening powerful forces, but also under the influence of iron puppets, began to forget the hatred before, and turned to protect the villagers.            
Blood 20, Attack 2, Armor 2            

Creeper Doesn't Want to Explode            
It does not understand why the same kind of people choose to self-explode one by one to guard their homeland behind them. It does not want to do so, because it is afraid of death, but even if it is afraid of death, it is fellow countrymen behind it, so it is ready to use melee to fight against the invaders.            
Blood 10, Attack 3, Death Calls Lightning            

Villagers who can only count to ⑨          
There are always fools in the village. Although he can only count to_, he does not think he is a fool, because_is the extreme number of heaven and earth. This is the truth he has discovered. Sooner or later, the truth will be understood by others, and all he needs to do is to spread the truth everywhere.            
Blood 9, Attack 9, Armor 9            
Kill fallen emeralds            

Skeleton (Female) Swordsman            
A skeleton who always believed that only melee war was art and was fascinated by Kendo had risked his life to make a skull and skin of human beings and put it on his body in an attempt to blend in with human beings and learn fencing from human strongmen.            
Life 20, Attack 6            

Spider Speed            
As fast as the wind, you inadvertently take away your life, but because too much speed, lost the ability of spiders to climb, so it is recommended to find complex terrain to avoid hunting.            
Blood 10, attack 10, armor 10, very fast                 

Water evil soul            
Lovely amphibians, though apparently horrible, is a neutral creature.            
Blood 30, Attack 10, Armor 30

Little evil soul            
Like wandering around, naughty, neutral creatures
Blood volume 10, attack 10

Zombie Pig Man: Soldier            
Pigman fighters with diamond swords and shields are extremely powerful. Be careful not to offend them. Otherwise, you will pay for your mistakes.            
Blood 30, Attack 20, Armor 30, Immunity Flame, Damage, Kill Flaming Ingot

Phase spider            
Don't stare at the special spider at the end of the earth.            
Blood volume 10, attack 10
One punch zombie            
Call by calling the altar            
For him, everything in the world is meaningless, after all, he has been invincible for too long. Evidence of Killing the Lost Brave            
Blood 500, attack 10,000, armor 100, immune thunder and lightning, fire, drowning, fall, potion, cactus            

Limru Turnpest            
Call by calling the altar            
It has always wanted to be the strongest Slim in history, changed its name to Limru Turnpest, and learned to start crawling, hoping to gain great strength. Killing the Chapter of the Strong            
Blood 300, attack 20, armor 100, immune players to long-range, melee, drowning, falls, potions, cactus, the only way to defeat it is to use fire to burn, or be hit by lightning.            

Anz Ur Gong            
Call by calling the altar            
A little skeleton who wants to be king finds a domineering dress somewhere and equips himself with it, hoping to make himself look less weak.            
300 blood, 30 attack, 20 armor, immune drowning, falls, cactus, potions, killing Skeleton King's bones            

Despite being called the God of death, there is no slight resemblance to the mythical image.            
Blood 444, attack 44, armor 44, immune flame, drowning, lightning, injury, potions, cactus, killing the deceased
Unknown gods cannot be defeated            
Call by calling the altar            
I don't know why you call him, oh, no, Lord! Lord! Lord! I am your humble servant! I would like to dedicate everything to you!            
There is no more information about meme infection. 


Sword of benevolence            
Infinitely durable. Set any biomass to 1 and hold it in your hand to increase resistance by 255.            
At the same time, the sword can also be used as a manuscript, excavating the same level as the stone manuscript.            
"With this sword, you will not be able to kill any enemy, but you will be invincible in the world, capable of killing but not killing, this is the benevolent, benevolent, invincible."            

Bone sword            
Durability 3000, Attack 20            
"The whole sword is forged with the bones of Anz Ur Gong, with mysterious light, so powerful."            

Flaming sword            
Durability 1000, Attack 9            
Attack Incidental Flame Effect, which does not conflict with Incidental Flame Enchantment            

Flaming bow            
Durable 1000, no effort required, affected by infinite enchantment            
Shooting creatures ignite creatures without conflict with fire enchantments. The ammunition consumed by the flaming bow is a flaming rod and has a certain probability of igniting itself.            
Shooting squares produces a small explosion.            

Flaming axe            
Durability 2000, Attack 7, Mining Level 4 (Diamond Tool Mining Level 3)            
Attack Incidental Flame Effect, no conflict with Incidental Flame Enchantment. For each box destroyed, it adds 1 point of experience.            

Blazing draft            
Durability 2000, Attack 7, Mining Level 4 (Diamond Tool Mining Level 3)            
Attack Incidental Flame Effect, no conflict with Incidental Flame Enchantment. For each box destroyed, it adds 1 point of experience.            

Flame hoe            
Durability 1000, Mining Level 4 (Diamond Tool Mining Level 3)            
Attack Incidental Flame Effect, No Conflict with Flame Addition, No Redundant Effect Except            

Cry blood knife            
Durability 444, injury 10
When your blood volume is greater than or equal to 20, the right button can restore all the durability of the knife, but it will suck up your life until you have only one drop of blood, half a heart.
Attacking creatures can wipe them out

Bleeding draft, axe, hoe, shovel, scissors            
Durability 444, Mining Level 5 (Diamond Tool Mining Level 3)
Attacking creatures can wipe them out            
(Except for shovels and hoes)
When your blood volume is greater than or equal to 20, the right button can restore all the durability of the tool, but it will suck up your life until you have only one drop of blood, half a heart.            
If the blood volume is 20 or more, the right button has no effect.            

Milk sword, manuscript, hoe, shovel, axe, scissors, bow
Extremely low durability            
An attacking creature can remove the medicinal effects of that creature.            
Milk bow does not need any ammunition. It hits the target and removes all potions from the target.  
(Except for hoes and shovels)            
Right-click Consumption 10 Points Durable Removal of All Drug Effects on Yourself

Diamond iron sword, manuscript, hoe, shovel, axe, scissors            
Better than a diamond tool.

Sword of judgement            
Infinite durability, regular ingot production, excavation level 1            
When the biomass is greater than 9, kill the creature in seconds            
"9 is the extreme number of heaven and earth, can not be surpassed! Accept the verdict! "            

A poisoned sword            
(Killing any creature has a 0.5% chance of falling)            
Durability 1500, Attack 9, Poison caused by hit organisms, or would you like to try right-clicking?            
"My sword, but the drug-stained sword"sucks away"

Nuclear Bow            
No ammunition, infinite durability, great killer            
[Kill any creature 0.01% chance to drop]


A helmet and armor            
Skeleton King Complete Set            
Each piece provides 30 armor values, 5 armor toughness            
Killing Anz Ur Gong to get materials, to make unusual bones, to make unusual bones.            
Although the armor value is very high, the durability of this armor is its short board, each piece of durability is more than 300, less than 500.            

Full set of flaming flames            
Each piece provides 10 armor values and 2.5 armor toughness.            
Flame ingot production, any one has the effect of immune flame, each durable more than 1000

Milk set            
Each armor provides 3 armor values and 1 armor toughness.            
Each piece of armor has immune potion properties and has very low durability.

Diamond iron sleeve
Better than a diamond suit.

Rule set            
Infinite durability, any one can make you invincible, any one can make any creature no hostility to you, even if you personally provoke will not produce any hostility.            
At the same time, the experience value will continue to rise.            
Rule equipment requires enormous luck and precious minerals.


Fruit of evil spirit            
Destroy the chaotic leaves fall, which is attached to the power of evil gods, let San value fall, I do not recommend you to eat.

Roast rotten meat            
Reply to 3 Points of Satiety            

Baked apples            
Reply to 8 o'clock satiety            

Baked Fine Shadow Pearl            
Respond to 1 point satiety and give nausea            

The Eye of Mature Shadow            
Reply to 5 points of satiety and give invisible effect            

A boiled egg            
Reply to 4 o'clock satiety            

Boiling water            
Reply to 1 point saturation and give saturation effect            

Hot Milk            
Return 20 points of satiety and remove all potions from your body.            

Cooled magma            
Restore 20 points of satiety and burn for 3 seconds            

Baked purple fruit            
Reply to 5 Points of Satiety            

Roast wheat            
Reply to 4 o'clock satiety            

Roasted seeds            
Reply to 1 o'clock satiety            

Baked Undead Totem            
Restore 6 points of satiety and give life-restoring effect            

Melting sugar            
Reply to 1 point satiety, give speed effect            

Baked sugarcane            
Reply to 4 o'clock satiety            

Roasted rabbit feet            
Reply to 6 o'clock satiety            

Baked spider eyes            
Reply to 2 o'clock satiety            

Roasted puffer fish            
Respond to 10 points of satiety and give poisoning effect            

You can eat at any time, without any satiety, and add one more experience after eating.            

Bake the Star of the Lower Limits            
Reply to 20 points of satiety and add 10 experience after eating            

Roasted diamond            
You can eat at any time without any satiety. After eating, add 3 experiences.            

Roasted Emerald            
You can eat at any time, do not provide any satiety, add 5 experience after eating            

Roasted lapis lazuli            
Eat at any time, do not provide any satiety, add 2 experience after eating            

Boiled dragon breath            
Reply to 9 points of satiety and improve resistance            

Roasted hell wart            
Reply to 2 o'clock satiety


Gold coal            
Stone manuscripts and above can be excavated            
In 60-10 layers, a gold coal can burn 640 seconds, equivalent to eight ordinary coal, and a gold coal block can burn 6400 seconds, equivalent to eight ordinary coal blocks.            

Flaming ingot            
Kill zombie pig: soldier drop            
It can be used for weapons and armor. All tools made have a flame attachment effect, and this flame attachment does not belong to enchantment, and does not conflict with the flame attachment enchantment. 

Weeping blood ingot            
Generated only in hell, you need to dig manuscripts above the diamond picks to dig.            
Weapons and armor made have powerful special effects.            
Extremely rare

World Gemstone            
Diamond picks are needed, an extremely rare mineral that is produced only in the 2-11 layers of the main world and Cat Island. 

Milk ingot
Right-click consumes one ingot to remove all potions            
Molten milk is obtained, and the tools produced are of the same level as diamond tools, but not so durable.

Diamond iron ore            
Diamond picks are needed to dig, and tools produced are superior to diamonds.            
Generated at Layers 1-10 of the Main World

Regular ingot
Right-click to control weather           
Minerals with world rules, made from world gemstones

The Dimension of Unnamed Form            
The most dangerous and unnecessary dimension of this module            

Cat Island            
A dimension ruled by meows, this mysterious dimension, can you find a way to go?

Modification files
1.jar - 1Uploaded on: 10/01/2019 - 16:03   File size: 3.14 MB

Good mod :)
You could make some words bold or add some images between paragraphs to make the description seem a bit littler (because I think few people read all of it)