This mod adds in nearly 1500 new blocks!
Video Showcase of the mod:
What does this mod add?
This mod adds blocks basically. All of the blocks are craftable. Many of which require the Stonecutter to make.
This mod adds in colored cobblestone, stone, and stonebrick.
The colors include: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Black, Purple, Orange, and Cyan colored variants of the different stones.
This mod also has colored Diorite.
It has Blue, Black, Green, Yellow, Pink, Purple, Cyan, and Red diorite and polished diorites.
This mod also adds in Sandstone Bricks and Red Sandstone Bricks
Lined Stone and Squared Stone with slabs, stairs, and walls.
Gilded Cobblestone
Molten Cobblestone
Sandstone tiles
Red sandstone tiles
Eye Stone
Puffed Stone
Sky Stone
Star Stone
Poison Stone
Block of Candy -> made with candy canes(food) and red sugar
Tealstone(same as blackstone, just Teal in color)
Siltstone(same as deepslate, but purple)
Biome Stones:
New stone variants that include:
Jungle, forest, plains, dark forest, spruce, snowy, mountain, birch, swamp, desert, lavender, dragons blood, and mushroom.
These all come with stairs, slabs, walls, bricks, brick stairs, brick slabs, and brick walls.
I have begun to branch out into new blocks for decorating your new builds.
Currently, there is 3 types: Ceiling lamp, lamp, and tiny table.
The Ceiling lamp has variants for all glowstone colors. The Lamp has variants for all wool colors. The tables have all wood types.
There are now also floor lamps in all wool colors
A nice cobbled path to place on the floor
V 1.5.0 just added in 112 chair variants as well.
V 1.9.5 added bamboo wood chair variants
Bedside tables for all wood variants.
Counters in all wood variants.
Sinks in all wood variants.
Bathtub with a showerhead
Terracotta vases in all colors
Garden Gnome
Bird Bath
Presents(blue, white, and green)
This mod adds in dyed wood planks.
These include: Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Orange, and Purple.
Now there is also a door for each of these.
Dragons Blood Tree with all its wood stuff.
Bamboo Wood
Plywood for all wood variants(except bamboo)
Added in wool slabs, stairs, walls, and trapdoors
Also added wool bricks with stairs, slabs, and walls.
Decoration Crafting Tables:
New decorative crafting tables without any functionality.
This mod adds a few plants as well.
They include: Blue Rosebush, Small Cactus, Pencil Plant, glowshroom, and Red and Blue Lily of the Valleys, Light blue Rose, Fish Hook Plant, Agave, Lobster Claw, Jungle Orchid, Anthorium, Snake Plant, Cyan Flower, Rafflesia Arnoldii, Cyan Peony, Yellow Lilac
Magma Blocks:
This mod adds Blue, Green, and Purple Magma Blocks. It also has a stone magma block.
This mod adds in Purple, Black, White, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, and Yellow Primarine Bricks. It also has Darker Prismarine as well.
Glowstone/ Redstone Lamps:
This mod adds in Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Purple, Black, White, Pink, and Cyan Glowstone and Redstone Lamps.
This mod adds in a new ore: Ruthumarine. It comes with its own brick, block, ingot, armor, and tools. It is slightly better than diamond with durability.
Now has 2 more brick variants.
-Copper Ore(w/Ingot, block, brick)(w/stair,slab,wall for the block and brick)
-Tin Ore(w/Ingot, block, brick)(w/stair,slab,wall for the block and brick)
-Arcaic Ore(w/Ingot, block, brick)(w/stair,slab,wall for the block and brick)
-Amethyst Ore(w/Ingot, block, brick)(w/stair,slab,wall for the block and brick)
-Sapphire Ore(w/Ingot, block, brick)(w/stair,slab,wall for the block and brick)
-Red Diamond Ore(w/Ingot, tools, armor, block, brick)(w/stair,slab,wall for the block and brick)
-Silver Ore(w/Ingot, tools, armor, block, brick)(w/stair,slab,wall for the block and brick)
Netherrack/ Netherbrick:
This mod adds in Blue, Purple, Orange, White, Green, Black, Pink, and Yellow Netherracks.
To go with this, there is also Blue, Purple, Orange, Green, White, Black, Pink, and Yellow Netherbricks
The regular bricks in this mod include: Iron, Diamond, Gold, Emerald, Blue, Black, Cyan, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, and Yellow Bricks.
Stone Bricks:
Added many new types of stone bricks(not including dyed ones)
-Andesite, Granite, and Diorite stone bricks.
-Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Emerald stone bricks.
-Clay, prismarine, cobblestone stone bricks
-Tuff Bricks
-Calcite Bricks
-Snow Bricks
-Glowstone Bricks
-Scaled Cobblestone
-Leaf Bricks
-Cactus Bricks
-Bone Bricks
-Hay Bricks
-Blue, Black, Red, Purple, Pink, Green, Yellow, White, Orange, Cyan
These all have their own stair, brick, and slab.
Dye Bricks:
-Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Cyan, Lime, Pink, Purple, Yellow, Brown, Light Blue, Magenta, Black, Gray, Light Gray, and White
These all have their own stair, slab, and wall.
Every color of glass now has a stair, slab, trapdoor, and door
Borderless glass
Honeycomb Blocks:
There are now colored honeycomb blocks. They include: Blue, Black, Green, White, Cyan, Purple, Pink, and Red.
Asphalt Production:
You are now able to make Asphalt. This requires an Asphalt Filter, petroleum, and Aggregate.
Use the asphalt filter while swimming in the petroleum to get asphalt cement. This is combined with aggregate to create asphalt.
Asphalt gives you a speed boost upon standing on it.
Plastic Production:
You are now also able to make plastic. Made in the same way as asphalt, just with the plastic filter thing.
It comes in most colors
New biome: Dragons Blood Forest
contains the dragons blood tree.
New biome: Sporeshroom Mountains
has many sporeshrooms
New biome: Lavender Field
contains lavender and lavender stone
Now has 1 new music disc for your building needs.
Emerald and diamond geodes.
All of these blocks are obtainable in Survival. Feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments!
V 1.0.0
-Release version of the mod.
V 1.1.0
-Added several new items, blocks, and a fluid. Also, DOORS!
V 1.2.0
-Added over 100 new blocks + several plants + a biome
V 1.2.5
-Added some new stone bricks, updated Ruthumarine Brick Texture, some other stuff.
V 1.3.0
-Some changes, BIG FEATURE: Biome Stones + brick variants for them.
V 1.4.0
-Plastic, lamps, tiny tables, ceiling lamps, music disc
V 1.5.0
-Lots of Chairs(112 to be exact), bedside tables, floor lamps, flowers, cobbled path, fixed blue rosebush
V 1.5.1
-Added the recipe for floor lamps because I forget them in the last release. Added Counters and sinks.
-Missed many versions here
V 1.8.0
-updated to 1.16.4
-added some new stones
V 1.9.0
-Added tons of new stuff like plywood, microwave, fridge, many new brick types
V 1.9.5
-Added siltstone, small lavender, decreased ore rarity, new creative tabs.
Looks good, although I would suggest making original textures for custom blocks (not like teal bricks or purple diorite and things like that, those are fine.), I just mean for like blocks that aren't recoulours of bricks or diorite, because recoulors just look a little low-effort imo.
wowie you've improved a lot