LOL Trolling Mod

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This mod is discontinued because I have decided to create a new, much more complex mod, which will likely take much of my spare time.

This mod is for all the pranksters out there. Troll your friends by making a fake Nether Portal, giving them fake Iron Armour, or even clear their inventories by making them eat Caek! This is my first and only mod, so it may or may not have bugs I have not yet found. Anyway, prank, enjoy, and have fun!


-Prank wood, trees, plank, and tools(which give really ridiculous effects when worn).

-Confusion Block(for confusion dimension portal), and dimension.

-Confusing Block(confusion dimension main block).

-Wat(Obnoxious liquid that spams 'ooooh golly' in the chat when you are in it).

-Prank Biome(a very mountainous biome that spawns every structure).

-Caek(clears your inventory when eaten).

-Hiurabrat Gem armour, and tools(very op)

-Confusillager(spawns in confusion biome, sort of looks like a villager, and gives you Totallyuselesssok?s when you give it sugar and then take the sugar).

-F key now has use(clears your inventory).

-Oof(useless music disc).

-Bruh material pack(armour and tools give ridiculous effects).

-Totallyuselessok?s(ranged item, appears to shoot Redstone torches, and does 20 damage).

-Trapped Shack(looks like an abandoned shack but blows up when you step over it's doorstep).

-Weirdness Potion(gives you a lot of vanilla effects when consumed).

-Plains Biome That Isn't A Plains Biome, a plains biome with subtle differences.

-UPPERCUUT, a fist that doesn't do any damage, just terrifies people.

-Doge, is meant to create slobber-like water droplets cover your screen, but the texture of the droplets broke.

-Human Flesh, item created from smelting rotten flesh, and used for crafting the UPPERCUUT.

-Kill Block, a block that looks like a Confusing Block which spawns naturally in the Confusion Dimension between Y=0 and Y=64, and kills any one who tries to break it.

-Ore Of Frustration, unbreakable except in creative mode, and meant to frustrate players. Can only be obtained with a crafting recipe.

-Neutral & Passive Mob Soundboard, which opens a GUI capable of creating slightly altered sounds of neutral and passive mobs.

Modification files
LoL-v0.1_0.jar - First Version Uploaded on: 01/25/2021 - 23:46   File size: 263.69 KB
LoL v1.1.jar - Tools Update(well not really). Uploaded on: 01/30/2021 - 16:22   File size: 326.85 KB
LOL 1.2.jar - Frustration and Confusion. Uploaded on: 04/29/2021 - 00:34   File size: 8.12 MB

Version 1.0-first version:


  • Prank Wood, Trees, and Tools.
  • Bruh Ore, Ingots, Tools, and Armor.
  • Confusing Block, Portal, and, Dimension.
  • Confusion block- for Confusion Dimension Portal.
  • Wat-new liquid that spams 'oooh golly' in the chat.
  • Confusion Biome- all structures spawn here.
  • Lootig-completely useless enchantment made to be confused with Looting.
  • Caek- clears your inventory.
  • Yeet- a function that throws you into the air.
  • Confusillager-new villager-like creature, rideable.
  • Hi Ur a Brat Gem- dropped by Confusillager and completely useless(now makes Hi tools and armour).
  • Oof-useless music disc.
  • Ur Face-weird GUI made to be a fake inventory.
  • Totallyuselessitemok?-OP ranged item, kills the wither in about 15 hits.

Version 1.1


-Prank biome is now rare.

-Added Hi armour and tools.

-Added Trapped Shack.

-Added Caek Recipe

-Confusillagers trading GUI added.

-Removed Ur Face GUI, as it was inaccessible, and could not pass as a fake inventory.

Version 1.2:


-Added Plains Biome That Isn't A Plains Biome, a plains biome with subtle differences.

-Added UPPERCUUT, a fist that doesn't do any damage, just terrifies people.

-Added Doge, is meant to create slobber-like water droplets cover your screen, but the texture of the droplets broke.

-Added Human Flesh, item created from smelting rotten flesh, and used for crafting the UPPERCUUT.

-Added Kill Block, a block that looks like a Confusing Block which spawns naturally in the Confusion Dimension between Y=0 and Y=64, and kills any one who tries to break it.

-Added Ore Of Frustration, unbreakable except in creative mode, and meant to frustrate players. Can only be obtained with a crafting recipe.

-Added Neutral & Passive Mob Soundboard, which opens a GUI capable of creating slightly altered sounds of neutral and passive mobs.



-MCreator Testing Environment reported that the Prank Shovel was completely missing in the console, and the shovel did not show up in creative inventory. Will solve ASAP.

-The slobber particle texture was unable to appear due to texture related issues. Will either create new texture or delete effect.