The Arcaneum

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Welcome to the Arcaneum

Deep in the bowels of hell, The Creator is planning an attack on the Minecraft world. He has spent countless centuries conjuring the most evil monsters he can think of, all in hopes of shrouding the world in eternal chaos. It is up to you to foil The Creator's plan, and put a stop to what surely could be......THE END OF THE WORLD.

The Arcaneum adds........

12 Unique Bosses

30 Unique Mobs

6 Unique Passive Creatures

25 Unique Structures

14 Unique Advancements



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The Arcaneum

How to start!


To begin defending your world against The Creator, you must turn your eyes toward your Advancements tab. Here you will be able to see what bosses you need to defeat, and in what order.


The Advancements Tab


The Bosses


Hunter Chief

The Hunter Chief


There are many tribes of hunters across the Minecraft world, but the Hunter Chief seems to command them all. He rules over them with his mighty mace and deep booming voice. What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in strength. 


In order to track down the Hunter Chief you will need to find a Hunting Horn, a horn used by the hunting tribes to alert a successful hunt. If you blow into the horn it will not be long before the Hunter Chief arrives.

The Hunting Horn



The Hunter Chief is not a very strategic fighter, however he does tend to bring along plenty allies.


Upon death, the Hunter Chief will drop his mighty Mace of Death. A weapon that is very strong but has limited durability due to poor craftsmanship.

The Mace of Death



Rock Lord


Rock Lord



The Rock Lord has made it his duty to defend his favourite rock, Conglomerate, at all costs. Rock Lord is a very forgiving creature, he will warn you if you come too close to his precious Conglomerate. However, fail to listen, and Rock Lord will kill you faster than you can blink an eye. 


In order to face the mighty Rock Lord you will have locate some of his Conglomerate underground.


Depending on your luck, Rock Lord may show mercy, or he may appear and protect his rock.


Upon being summoned Rock Lord will create a massive explosion underground in an attempt to slay his attacker before they can process what is happening. However after his explosive attack, Rock Lord is out of ideas.


If Rock Lord is slain he will drop a variety of ores and gems, as well as Rock Lord Chunks.

Rock Lord Chunks


These Magical Chunks are able to help you make powerful Rocky tools!






The Baraboc is a very mysterious creature. He resembles a ghost like serpent and has the ability to levitate. While the Baraboc appears unsettling, himself alone is not very strong. However he is NEVER alone. The Baraboc is able to fracture his body into multiple different pieces, effectively creating weaker clones of himself. It is important to keep track of which one is real.



The Baraboc can be summoned by crafting a Shadow Catalyst.

Shadow Catalyst

Upon using the Shadow Catalyst you will summon Baraboc.


Baraboc is able to fracture his body into several clones. It is easy to be overwhelmed by them so it's important to keep track of the real Baraboc.


Upon death, Baraboc will drop Baraboc Skin. 

Baraboc Skin

This skin can be used to craft Baraboc armor. A powerful set of armor that applies the speed buff to it's user.

Baraboc Armor




 The Spinosaurus is often thought to have been extinct, however local hunter tribes have reported that their nearby livestock have been mysteriously killed. Perhaps there are still a couple Spinosaurus remaining..... 


The Spinosaurus cannot be summoned. It can only be found rarely in the plains biome.


The Spinosaurus has incredible reach and is capable of hitting your from many blocks away, making it incredibly hard to close the distance.


Upon death, the Spinosaurus will drop a Spinosaurus Tooth.

Spinosaurus Tooth

This tooth can be used to create a powerful Spinosaurus Scythe!

Spinosaurus Scythe

The Sentinel

The Sentinel


The Sentinel is the ruler of the Insect Kingdom. The Sentinel was once a regular centipede until The Creator transformed him into a colossal monster. Now the Sentinel lusts for the blood of travellers that make the mistake of visiting the nest. 


The Sentinel cannot be summoned, however, it's nest can be found in the Jungle.

Sentinel Nest


The Sentinel can infect you with a deadly insect bite, this bite will plant a Giant Bug inside of you, it will poison you until it ultimately bursts out to attack!


Upon death, The Sentinel will drop Sentinel Remains this unique item can be used to craft powerful armor that will carry the player into the mid tier boss fights.

Sentinel RemainsEnhanced Bug Armor




Many miners have returned home in terror, describing a creature taller than any man rummaging through nearby caves. One night the miners awoke to unsettling sounds coming from deeper in the cave. Two miners went to go investigate, only one returned. The remaining miner described a monster with one eye, and it reminded him of the mythological creature, the cyclops. Thus, the miner named it.......Eyeclops


The Eyeclops cannot be summoned, however, he can be found in his underground dungeon.

Eyeclops Dungeon


The Eyeclops is massive, and therefore has a very large health pool.


Upon death, The Eyeclops will drop his Eyeball as a trophy.

Eyeclops Eye


Wheel of Flesh

Wheel of Flesh


Over the many centuries the earth has been alive, many creatures have rotted away. However, deep in the Barrens, rotten creatures become sentient. Their fleshy remnants fuse together to create a horrifying Wheel of Flesh, a mindless juggernaut that is hell bent on growing even larger. 



The Wheel of Flesh cannot be summoned, however it can be found rarely in The Barrens. 

The Barrens


The Wheel of Flesh can attack from very far away, and is incredibly strong and bulky.


Upon death, Wheel of Flesh will drop Flesh essence as well as enormous amounts of rotten flesh and bones. Flesh Essence can be used to summon the Mesmerizer.

Flesh Essence





The Mesmerizer is a powerful monster that oversees The Barrens. Any enemies to The Mesmerizer are quickly destroyed, as they are hypnotized and obliterated by it's magical powers. The Mesmerizer has mastered all forms of magic and can bend them to his will.


In order to summon The Mesmerizer you must first find his altar in The Barrens. Secondly you will have to construct a Corrupt Key in order to activate his altar and summon The Mesmerizer. 

Corrupt Altar



The Mesmerizer is capable of flight making ranged weapons essential. The Mesmerizer has a ranged beam attack that deals great knockback and damage. The Mesmerizer also has a chance to Mesmerize you, causing you to move insanely slow and also inflicting the Wither effect.



Upon death The Mesmerizer will drop his eye which currently has no use. 

Mesmerizer Eye


The Sorcerer

The Sorcerer



The Sorcerer is The Creators greatest disciple. The Sorcerer is a master of Satanic Magic and is able to harness its full potential with ease. Together, The Sorcerer and The Creator were able to pull of their most evil feat yet. Using there demonic powers, they were able to merge shadow creatures together to create the ultimate monster, The Emperor of Shadows.


The Sorcerer is not able to be summoned, however his unique structure can be found in The End. 


The Sorcerer is able to effortlessly cast his demonic spell attacks, his basic attack deals insane damage as well as knockback. The Sorcerer will also call upon Goliaths to aid him in battle.



Upon death, The Sorcerer will drop a Sorcerer Shard, which can be used to create The Sorcerer Staff.

Sorcerer Staff

This powerful staff is able to shoot powerful orbs at your enemies.





Masu is an ancient celestial being, brought into the world out of the goodness of the celestial being known as Zorander. Masu was the protector of the earth for many centuries, even being able to hold off The Creators evil horde of monsters. It wasn't until The Emperor of Shadows overpowered Masu and converted him to The Creators evil ways. Pieces of good still remain inside of Masu, however the forces of evil have ran through his veins for far too long.


Masu can be summoned by finding a Light Palace, a rare structure that is guarded by the Valor Soldiers.

Valor Soldiers

Inside the structure is a Light Altar, using a Light Key on the altar will summon Masu.


Masu will performs a ranged attack that deals heavy damage as well as knockback, after Masu is defeated he will transform into Skull Masu, a more powerful form of Masu that performs melee attacks.

Skull Masu


Upon death, Masu will drop Luminescent Shards, a very strong late game material that is capable of crafting powerful Luminescent armor and tools.

Emperor of Shadows

The Emperor of Shadows


Forged from the minds of The Sorcerer and The Creator, The Emperor of Shadows is the embodiment of evil. The power that The Emperor of Shadows possesses is monumental, it's attacks can obliterate foes in mere seconds. The Emperor of Shadows was created to put a stop to any attempts to foil The Creators master plan. 


The Emperor of Shadows can only be summoned by finding a Shadow Altar inside of The Shadow Palace. Upon using a Shadow Key on the altar the player will summon The Emperor of Shadows.

Shadow Palace


The Emperor of Shadows has the ability to fly around and attack its foes, dealing massive damage. The Emperor can also perform an attack in which he increases his speed greatly and attacks you from behind. 


Upon death, The Emperor of Shadows will drop Shadow Essence which is a key ingredient in summoning The Creator. (However, Shadow Essence currently has no use.)

Shadow Essence


Good Luck!

I hope everyone enjoys the mod, if you do, please recommend it to your friends! 


Some pictures in this showcase include pictures that were taken using Sildurs Vibrant Shaders v1.283.

Click here to check them out!

Thank you to my friend Platinum for creating both the Spinosaurus and the Skull Masu models! 

Click here to check out his Youtube channel!

Minecraft mod files
The Arcaneum 1.12.jar Uploaded on: 05/17/2021 - 21:29   File size: 7.75 MB
The Arcaneum 1.13.jar - Latest Version Uploaded on: 06/15/2021 - 07:34   File size: 8.36 MB

The Arcaneum 1.0.6

  • Removed text messages that displayed when defeating certain bosses.
  • Fixed a glitch where The Sentinel would fail to target players.
  • Fixed a glitch where The Mesmerizer caused heavy lag on servers.
  • Added a sound to the Hunting Horn (It sounds pretty awesome)
  • Added a new Sorcerer spell in which he summons Goliaths.

The Arcaneum 1.0.7

  • Balanced Luminescent Armor.
  • Changed the icon for the "Bleeding" potion effect.
  • Added a new ability to The Sentinel in which he can infect the player, causing them to take damage and eventually have a Giant Bug burst out of them!

The Arcaneum 1.0.8

  • Added a poison acid attack to Giant Spitters.
  • Added the Sacred Sigil.
  • Added the Chaos Altar.
  • Changed the rarity of the Hunting horn from Epic to Uncommon.
  • The Spinosaurus can only spawn in the plains biome now.
  • Changed Valor Knight and Valor Warrior Ai, both will now attack basic mobs as well as players.
  • Altered Valor Dragons Loot Table.
  • Improved Hit boxes for The Sorcerer, Grukclu, Lava Golem, and Stone Giant.

The Arcaneum 1.0.9


  • Added Skull Masu, a new form that Masu takes after being defeated.
  • Added the Hunter Horn Blower, A new enemy that buffs the Hunter Chief and his allies with strength.
  • New Spinosaurus Model
  • Changed The Sorcerer's model.


  • The Barrens biome is now x2 as rare.
  • Grucklu health changed from 50-30
  • Snakoth health changed from 50-25
  • Abomination health changed from 300-200
  • Corrupt Horror health changed from 20-15
  • Underground Structures are now x4 as rare (This does not include the Eyeclops's Dungeon)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in which DUMMY blocks were "crashing" the game


The Arcaneum 1.10




  • Improved nearly every item and block texture.
  • Added The Creator, The Final Boss.
  • Added 6 new unique spells to The Creator’s arsenal. (Fireball, Summon Demon, Lightning Storm, Fire Tornado, Life Drain, and Blackhole.)
  • Added 3 new spells to The Sorcerer. (Shadow Blast, Darkness Come, Explosion of Chaos.)
  • Added a new spell to The Emperor of Shadows. (Dusk Shockwave)
  • Added a new spell to the Valor Knight mob. (Blinding Light)
  • Added the Tyrant, a massive animal that spawns in swamp and taiga biomes.
  • Made the Spinosaurus tameable.
  • Added 12 new sigils. (Items used to represent the bosses in The Arcaneum.)
  • Added 11 new achievements.
  • Updated the look of The Barrens biome.
  • Added a new structure in which you summon The Creator (Found in The Barrens.)
  • Added new Fusion Table block, a block used to fuse all of the sigils together to create the Sacred Sigil, the item used to summon The Creator.
  • Added new death effects for The Sorcerer, Masu, Emperor of Shadows, and The Creator.
  • Added a slight delay before the summoning of Rock Lord. (No more Rock Lord jumpscares.)
  • Added a slight delay to the Maniac’s bomb explosion.
  • Added new Fleshy Eyeball, an item used to tame a Spinosaurus.
  • Added a new creative tab for The Arcaneum.



  • Changed the mods namespace from “test” to “the_arcaneum”
  • Changed the name of “Grungle Meat” to “Cooked Grungle”
  • Changed the name of “Raw Grungle Meat” to “Raw Grungle”
  • Changed saturation levels for Cooked Grungle
  • Changed Enhanced Bug Armor recipes.
  • Minor model changes to Emperor of Shadows.
  • Minor animation changes to Emperor of Shadows.
  • Minor model changes to Rock Lord.



  • Changed the health of Goliath from 500-100
  • Changed the health of Giant Centipede from 60-20
  • Changed the health of Lava Golem from 400-150
  • Changed the health of Stone Giant from 200-100
  • Changed Emperor of Shadows attack damage from 17-18



  • Removed the “Daipi”
  • Removed The Sorcerer’s ability to summon Goliaths (The Creator now has this ability.)


The Arcaneum 1.12



  • New textures for Luminescent Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe, Helmet, Chest plate, Leggings, and Boots.
  • Added the Malevolent Blade.
  • Added Deactivated Conglomerate.
  • Added the ability to consume Flesh Essence, providing 5 hunger points, as well as a short strength buff.
  • New texture for Sleep Paralysis Demon.



  • Fixed various instances of texture bleeding on The Sentinel.
  • Removed Boss Bar for Spinosaurus (Too annoying)


  • Balanced armor values for Bug Armor, Ruby Armor, Enhanced Bug Armor, Luminescent Armor.
  • Balanced damage values for Ruby Tools and Luminescent Tools.
  • Balanced damage for Mace of Death.
  • Reduced attack knock back of Eyeclops.
  • Reduced movement speed of Eyeclops.
  • Reduced movement speed of Wheel of Flesh.
  • Reduced Lava Golem attack knock back from 4-2.5
  • Reduced Abomination attack damage from 6-5
  • Reduced Spinosaurus attack damage from 7-6
  • Reduced Succubus health from 80-40
  • Reduced Abomination health from 200-100


The Arcaneum 1.13


The Barrens Update 




  • Completely revamped the generation of The Barrens biome.
  • Added 6 new unique plants that generate in The Barrens. (Zombushroom, Redcell Mushroom, Diabolical Reed, Blight Berry Bush, Vermilion Fern, Bulber)
  • Added a new mob, the Soilclaw.
  • Added a new structure called The Barrens Vault, a vault that can potentially hold rare loot exclusive to The Barrens.
  • Added the Malignant Key, the item required to open the vault. 
  • Added a new type of wood, Barrens Wood. 
  • Added a new late game weapon, The Diabolical Axe. 
  • Added a new weapon called the Corruption Sword.
  • Added a new item called Calamitous Sack, a rare sack that can be used to store your items.
  • Added a new ranged weapon called Skin Balls.
  • Added a new block called Block of Shadowplasm.
  • Added a new block called Block of Light Essence.
  • Added a new block called Corrupt Bedrock.
  • Added Blight Berries, a new food source that grows on bushes in The Barrens.
  • Added Light Infused Apple and Enchanted Light Infused Apple.
  • Added Soilclaw Skin.
  • Added Gruk.
  • Added Grukclu Organ.
  • Added Fairy Wings.
  • Added a new achievement called Surgery. 
  • Added a new attack for Emperor of Shadows, Shadow Prison.
  • Added a new attack for The Sentinel, Infest.
  • Added a new attack for The Sentinel, Acid Spray.
  • Added a new attack for The Creator, Purge.
  • Added a new attack for Masu, Light Blast.
  • Added a new attack for Skull Masu, Light Explosion.




  • Changed The Sorcerers Model.
  • Changed the Grungles model.
  • Fixed a glitch where the Barrens was too common.
  • Fixed the Snakoth being passive toward players.
  • Fixed a glitch where structures would spawn in the ocean. 
  • Fixed a glitch in which messages meant for the player were being sent to every player. (Really annoying on servers)
  • Fixed a glitch where the Cactus Guardian would not despawn. 
  • Fixed a glitch where the game would crash when The Creator casted Lightning Storm.
  • Fixed a glitch where the Baby Cactus would spawn underground.
  • Improved the textures for the following items, Sentinel Remains, Bug Parts, Raw Tyrant, Cooked Tyrant.




  • Balanced Ruby Armor. (Same values as diamond armor)
  • Changed the Goliath Edge's attack damage from 16-7.5
  • Increased the Cactus Javelin's Ranged attack damage from 30-35
  • Added a cool down to the Corruption Staff.




  • Removed the Shadow Realm dimension. (Warning, if you have items in this dimension, please take them out before updating to 1.13)
  • Removed Shadow Wood.
  • Removed The Creators Fire Tornado spell.


I personally did not like it, but i can see how much effort went into this.
God most of these creatures look SCARY.
But nice job, not like i can do any better anyway.

Thank you bro! You helped a lot by telling me how to upload pictures properly to the description. Without that I wouldn’t have been able to show my mod as well! Thank you man. I look forward to seeing you continue to work on your mod, I will help too if you need any. I think you deserve the recognition!

Glad I could be helpful! And you inspired me with how you used these pictures, next update I will surely have more thought-out screenshots and wiki on main page thanks to you! // and as for help, I'd always appreciate some models (especially as one person in comments mentioned great idea for the boss), but I'm afraid even with model I'm too much newbie in MCreator to make boss actually working properly :D thanks for all kind words anyway!