
Upvotes: 14
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In development
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This mod connects magic and technology, collects fragments from the land of stone and obsidian in order to advance in the mod, to make certain things you will need magic collectible in old libraries scattered in your world with all these machines, have fun automating your whole world while becoming the best magician there is.

Ore present in the mod:



Money System:

money system

All machine:


all machine


list of machine:








harvesterharvester craft

-lava generator

Lava generator

Lava generator craft

lava generator craft

-assembling machine

Assembling machcine

Assembling machine recipe:


assembling machine recipeassembling machine recipeassembling machine recipeassembling machine recipeassembling machine recipeassembling machine recipeassmebling machine recipe



compressor craft :

compressor craft

compressor recipe:

compressor recipe

-flux Miner

flux miner


teleporterteleporter craft

Dimensional teleporter:

Dimensional Teleporterdimensional teleporter craft

-plating machine

plating machineplating machine craftplating machine recipeplating machine recipeplating machine recipe


reparatorreparator craft

-electric furnace

electric furnaceelectric furnace recipe

-steel crusher

Steel CrusherSteel crusher craftsteel crusher recipeSteel crusher recipesteel crusher recipesteel crusher recipesteel crusher recipesteel crusher recipe


crushercrusher craftcrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipecrusher recipe


searchersearcher craft

-welding machine

welding machinewelding machine craftwelding machine recipewelding machine recipewelding machine recipe

-fragment infuser

fragment infuserfragment infuser craftfragment infuser recipe

all generator:


Solar Panel:


Solar panel

-solar panel mk1 craft

solar panel mk1 craft

-solar panel mk2 craft

solar panel mk2 craft

-solar panel mk3 craft

solar panel mk3 craft

-solar panel mk4 craft

solar panel mk4 craft

-solar panel mk5 craft

solar panel mk5




Windmill Craft:

windmill base craftwindmill tube craftwindmill head





- {Add} JEI (Just enought item) Compatibility

- {Add} Tin nuggets and Titanium nuggets

- {Add} Crusher

- {Add} Welding Machine

- {Add} Obsidian plate, Reinforced obsidian plate, Diamond plate

- {Bugfix} The cables did not work

- {Bugfix} The recipe of copper nugget and infused nugget did not exist

- {Bugfix} The value of the diamond coin has been rectified to 1000 instead of 10000 according to the bank

- {Bugfix} The message "this is not a teleporter" has been removed when we right click on a machine with the wrench

- {Bugfix} Some minor bugs with the quarry




- {Add} Fire Pearlpearl

- {Add} Water Pearl

- {Add} Lightning Pearl

- {Add} Pearl Of End

- {Add} Earth Pearl

- {Add} Wind Pearl

- {Add} Building Pearl

- {Add} Love Pearl

- {Add} Red Orb, Dark Green Orb,

Green Orb, Light Blue Orb, Blue Orb,

Yellow Orb, White Orb, Pink Orb

- {Add} Infused Stone

- {Add} A Structure (Little Temple)

- {Add} Copper Block, Tin Block and Titanium Block

- {Add} Reinforced Alloy Plate

- {Bugfix} Some minor bugs

Update V0.3.0.1


- {Bugfix} the craft of broken iron did not work

- {Bugfix} Some minor bugs



- {Add} Searchersearcher craftsearcher

- {Bugfix} Some minor bugs








- {Add} Biofuel Generatorgenerator

- {Add} Coal Generator

- {Add} Reactor (modular)

- {Bugfix} Some minor bugs













- {Add} Configuration gui to machineconfig guiconfig in machine gui

- {Nerf} Infused stone loot now an other stone,

less expensive, because it does not need the ritual

- {Add} Planter

- {Bugfix} wire did not work correctly

- {Bugfix} Harvester did not work with crops

- {Bugfix} Harvester did not correctly with tree

- {Bugfix} Some minor bugs and improvement



- {Add} Steel upgradeupgrade

- {Add} Titanium Upgrade

- {Add} Silk Touch Upgrade

- {Add} Smart Miner

- {Add} New enchantment (Flux Absorbtion)

- {Change} New texture for Creative Capacitor

- {Bugfix} Quarry take now less time to resume

- {Bugfix} Some minor bugs and improvement





- {Bugfix} magic pearl use now 1 flux per effect, but more expensive to craftbattery

- {Bugfix} processing unit mk1 is now less expensive to craft

- {Bugfix} obsidian ingot is now less expensive to craft

- {Bugfix} the regeneration effect of the love pearl did not work correctly

- {Bugfix} the craft of obsidian chipset did not work correctly

- {Add} many energy cell (basic energy cell, upgraded energy cell, Advanced energy cell

- {Add} gui for creative energy cell like another energy cell

- {Add} battery (basic, upgraded, advanced and creative battery) to put into machine to recharge them, and put into a energy cell to recharge the battery




1.2O.1 Update V0.6.3.7 : ADN Update

- {Add} Many lamp (iron, gold, diamond, obsidian)mob spawnermolecular machine

- {Add} coagulator

- {Add} syringue

- {Add} syringe

- {Add} full syringe

- {Add} mob spawner

- {Add} Ball of blood

- {Add} Gen cell

- {Add} Teleport ability

- {Add} night vision abilityadn machine

- {Add} fly ability

- {Add} gen injector

-{Bugfix} Smart miner don't work on server side

- {Bugfix} Wire are now more realistics

- {Add} Molecular Scanner

- {Add} Molecular Constructor


More machinery:

- {add}-Biome scanner
- {add}-Extractor
- {add}-Hydrolic Press
- {upgrade}-Mob Spawner
- {add}-Upgrade for machine
- {add}-Redstone configuration on machinery
- {upgrade}-machinery gui enhanced
- {nerf}-molecular constructor can't duplicate an inventory block like shulker anymore
- {add}-Redstone infuser
- {add}-Mod integration (recipe for ender io, mekanism and tag for all compat)
- {upgrade}-jei full compat
- {remove}-all magie(for another mod in comming)
- {Bug}-a lot of bug from 1.16.5 fixed
- {upgrade}-a lot of opti since 1.20.1


Minecraft mod files
indolution-1.16.5-V-0.6.1.jar - Electro-magic mod Uploaded on: 08/02/2022 - 15:13   File size: 15.7 MB
indolution-0.73.2B.jar Uploaded on: 05/30/2024 - 15:03   File size: 17.05 MB
indolution-0.73.4B.jar Uploaded on: 08/02/2024 - 16:14   File size: 17.37 MB
indolution-0.73.5B.jar Uploaded on: 08/02/2024 - 18:35   File size: 17.36 MB

( Coming soon ) Update V0.6.3.7 : ADN Update

- {Add} Many lamp (iron, gold, diamond, obsidian)

- {Add} coagulator

- {Add} syringue

- {Add} syringe

- {Add} full syringe

- {Add} mob spawner

- {Add} Ball of blood

- {Add} Gen cell

- {Add} Teleport ability

- {Add} night vision ability

- {Add} fly ability

- {Add} gen injector

-{Bugfix} Smart miner don't work on server side

- {Bugfix} Wire are now more realistics

- {Add} Molecular Scanner

- {Add} Molecular Constructor


Finally 1.20.1

Change logs:

More machinery:

- {add}-Biome scanner
- {add}-Extractor
- {add}-Hydrolic Press
- {upgrade}-Mob Spawner
- {add}-Upgrade for machine
- {add}-Redstone configuration on machinery
- {upgrade}-machinery gui enhanced
- {nerf}-molecular constructor can't duplicate an inventory block like shulker anymore
- {add}-Redstone infuser
- {add}-Mod integration (recipe for ender io, mekanism and tag for all compat)
- {upgrade}-jei full compat
- {remove}-all magie(for another mod in comming)
- {Bug}-a lot of bug from 1.16.5 fixed
- {upgrade}-a lot of opti since 1.20.1

Looks pretty cool, but almost all of the images in the description are missing. Maybe try uploading them to Imgur, I think they keep images for a bit longer than most other image uploading services :) Also don't forget to resubmit each week, I'm sure you'll come out on top one week ;)

thank you very much I am flattered, I will repost all this correctly the home page is a bit dated and a lot of updates have been made since then so I will review all this, thank you for your precious advice

This mod is on par to buildcraft it really shows that mcreator is powerfull tool you put a lot of effort into this i can tell by the very extensive description
Also some of the images just don't load

first of all thank you, telling me that my mod is at the height of buildcraft it's flattering, for the images the site that hosted them has closed so I have to find another one to be able to put the others back