Multi-Jump Mod
Hello All!
I present to you the Multi-Jump mod.
Adds the ability to jump more then once. In fact you can choose how many times you would like to jump!
The mod has 2 modes.
1) Require enchantments to multi-jump.
2) Require the "Multi-Jump Boots Item" to multi-jump.
After you add the mod, when you join your world a prompt will appear asking you which mode you would like to use.
Selecting 'Yes' will require you to use the enchanting table, or Trade with librarian villagers to acquire the Multi-Jump enchantment. Selecting 'No' means you must craft the 'Multi-Jump Boots Item' If you choose this mode, you just need to have the item in your inventory for it to work. Having this item will add +3 jumps. If you choose the enchantment route you can have up to 4 jumps if you have the level 3 of the 'Multi-Jump' enchantment. By default, the Multi-Jump keybinding is set to space, If you rebind the key, you can jump an additional time, but the first jump will not have the boost effect.\
[Multi-Jump I] +1 additional jumps | Normal jump height.
[Multi-Jump II] +2 additional jumps | 1.5x jump height.
[Multi-Jump III] +3 additional jumps | 2x jump height.
The recipe for the 'Multi-Jump Boots Item' is
There are a few commands that allow you switch between the modes if you like.
1) /multijump show - Shows the Mode select prompt.
2) /multijump enchant - Toggles between the 2 modes.
3) /multijump jumpcount #amount - If your using the non-enchantment mode this allows you to set how many times you can jump. If you switch between modes, you will need to set this again.
The enchantment and Item do not work together, If you have enchantment mode on, the item simply won't work. If you switch to non-enchantment mode the item will work! Just press the jump keybinding. Having one of the enchantments or the Multi-Jump Boots Item' will show a small display letting you know how many times you can jump.
Thankyou for trying the mod. Thanks to the Mcreator Devs and Contributors.
Here's a short Demonstration of the mod.
November 7, 2021
Added v1.0.0
December 29, 2021
Uploaded v1.0.1
Added new recipe for the 'Multi Jump Boots'
Honestly, its kind of a OP mod so I use the dragon egg so that you don't get that kind of power until you beat the dragon. As far as the other items go, unless your speed running, then you should have those items by the time you defeat the dragon. I'm open to suggestions for a recipe. I prefer not to use custom items for the recipe, but if you come up with something that makes sense i'll change it :) thanks for your input.
that crafting recipe is honestly kinda dumb
like why does it need a dragon egg and a gold block
dont take this offensively though u dont have to change it