Just Another Superheroes Mod ~ Moon Knight Update

Published by CocoJV. on
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JASHM is Back with A new Update not Only with new Heroes and Villains but its also Been Ported To 1.17.1

But Whats does JASHM'S new Update bring? Glad you Asked

-Vibranium, Adamantium And Willpower Ore-

Vibraniums a New Ore only found In Desert Like biomes its used to craft Items like the Vibranium Ore Smasher which is a New Pickaxe you can also craft Caps Shield with it which comes back to you once it hits something

Adamantium Can Be found in places like Savannas or Giant Tree Taigas its used to craft Wolverines Claws and maybe deadpools Katanas in the future

Willpower Ore is found in the Depths of the End it has no use right Now but it looks Cool

Kryptonite can be mined from Kryptonite Chunks and can be Smelted into Neutralized Kryptonite which is used to Craft superman

-Marvel Things-

Theres a Few Marvel items and theres a whole Bunch of Spider-Man Variations Suits

The Following suits are


~Captain America~


~Black Panther~



~Symbiote Spider-Man~

~Iron Spider~

~Superior Spider-Man~

~Miles Morales~

~Spider-Man 2099~

~Human Spider~

~Raimi Spider-Man~

~Stark Spider-Man~


~Moon Knight~

~Mr Fantastic~

~Invisible Woman~

~Green Goblin~

~Raimi Green Goblin~


~Agent Venom~


~Red Hulk~


and theres other stuff like Pumpkin bombs' Repulsor Gloves and Webshooters

-DC Things-

There's only a Couple DC Things Right Now like Batarangs

The Following suits are


~Batman Beyond~


~Wonder Woman~

~The Flash~



~Green Lantern~




~Red Hood~


~Bizzaro Superman~

~Reverse Flash~

-Other JASHM Suits-


yeah just spawn

Also! Please Leave any Hero or Villain Suggestions in the Comments

Heres a Example On How to Layout The Suggestion

"Suggestion: [Insert Character Here]. Powers: Speed And Jump Boost. Why I Want [Insert Character Here]: I just Think They're Neat

Minecraft mod files
JASHMV1.2.jar - The Epic New Version of JASHM go Collect those Willpower Shards For Green Lantern Preperation 1.17.1 Uploaded on: 12/30/2021 - 13:29   File size: 577.08 KB
JASHMV1.3.jar - The Previously Epicest Version of JASHM 1.17.1 Uploaded on: 01/12/2022 - 17:13   File size: 727.73 KB
JASHM V1.4.jar - Feel that DC is Lacking in Characters? not any More! Uploaded on: 02/02/2022 - 12:15   File size: 938.53 KB
JASHM V1.MK_.jar - Its Only Moon Knight for now but Maybe later other Disney Plus Characters will be added Uploaded on: 04/28/2022 - 19:51   File size: 956.93 KB

V-1.0: Release Version!

V-1.1: Added 4 New Heroes and Villains Including Wolverine, Raimi Goblin. The Flash And Last But Certainly Not Least! the Merc With a Mouth Deadpool!

V-1.2: With a Total Of SIX new Heroes and Villains in this Update And A New Ore Type Willpower Shards this is Surely the Best Update Yet

V-1.3: With I think EIGHT new Heroes so get collecting materials

V-1.4: a Whole lot of DC Characters + Ultron

v-1.MK(5): Moon Knight... just Moon Knight