More Realistic
WARNING : I am french so sorry for the spelling mistakes
1. Hammers
Hammers can mine a 3x3 area. They can be made with 2 sticks, 1 stone block (no cobblestone) and 2 iron, gold, diamond or emerald. The Netherite Hammer is crafted in a Forge Table with a Netherire Ingot. The Emerald Hammer was more powerful, but it breaks faster.
2. Portable chest
The portable chest is made of a block of wooden planks and 4 sticks around it. When you open it, you have 3 additional inventory bars.
3. Totem of flying
The Totem of flying allows you to fly when you right click. It has 16 uses. It is composed of a totem of immortality, 3 diamonds, 1 Nether star and 2 gold nuggets.
4. Travelling stuff
The Traveling stuff is crafted in a Blacksmith Table with Leather Armor and Rabbit Leather. Travel boots allow you to run faster and travel pants jump higher
5. Enchantements
There are two enchantments in More MINECRAFT: Auto-smelt and Curse of fire. You can imagine what these enchantments are doing.