Dimensional Pocketz

Published by Rikurob on
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Academic Free License v3.0
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D I M E N S I O N A L   P O C K E T Z

      This mod adds personal, virtually limitless Dimensional Pockets that can be shared to other players. Every player can have as many as they want, making the mod very useful for multiplayer with friends, servers, modpacks, or map makers! The exact number of supported Dimensional Pockets is dependent on your PC/Server, although it should be a lot. Up to 2500 pockets can fit between -5000 X,-5000 Z and 5000 X,5000 Z. Theoretically infinitely more can be added in the Z direction and spanning from -5000 to 5000 in the x direction.

Through the use of gamerules, you can even have adventure mode worlds where you can go into survival mode when entering a dimensional pocket! 


 Dimensional Pocket (Type 1)

      Dimensional Pocketz is a fairly mid-game mod that adds just that: Dimensional Pockets you can enter and exit. You can get started by crafting Dimensional Dust, which can be crafted using 2 Eyes of Ender, a bowl, a pestle and mortar, and either an amethyst or lapis, with an amethyst making 8 Dimensional Dust, and a lapis making 1.

Dimensional Dust Recipes

   Dimensional Enchanting Table Recipe



      The Dimensional Enchanting Table can be crafted similar to a regular enchanting table, but using Dimensional Stone instead of obsidian, and an Ender Crystal instead of a book.

 Dimensional Stone Recipe


 Stone Tablet Recipe

      The Stonecutter can be used to make Stone Tablets from any stone block, which in turn can be put into the Dimensional Enchanting Table to craft Dimensional Tablets by using 30 Experience Levels. By right clicking a Dimensional Tablet, you can create create a Dimensional Pockets inside the Pocket Dimension, and bind it to that stone. It should then shine as if enchanted, and then right clicking it will always bring you to that same Dimensional Pocket.

      The Dimensional Enchanting Table is used to create Dimensional Tablets, and can also be used to copy the data from a Dimensional Tablet to a new dimensional stone in order to share access to the Dimensional Pocket copied, or keep a backup of it.

      Dimensional Frames are made from Dimensional Stone, and lit with Dimensional Fire, as shown below. Dimensional Fire is created by right clicking normal fire with Dimensional Dust. Portals to a Dimensional Pocket can be placed by right clicking a Dimensional Frame with a bound Dimensional Tablet. These can be placed in both the overworld and the Pocket Dimension.  Portals to the Overworld can be placed only in the Pocket Dimension by right clicking Dimensional Fire with Dimensional Dust. You can break Overworld or Dimensional Portals with a flint and steel.


Dimensional Portal - Overworld Portal - Dimensional Frame


      Dimensional Stone can be crafted using Dimensional Dust and Stone, or found on floating end islands. Stone Tablets can be also recycled into cobblestone, which allows the player to break andesite, diorite, and granite down into cobblestone.

Dimensional Stone Recipe



The Mortar and Pestle Recipe


*Added support for a gamerule to make it if the player is in adventure mode, to change their gamemode to survival in the Pocket Dimension, and back when they leave. I thought this could be good for any RPG modpacks or map makers out there. Set gamerule to true to turn on this effect while in adventure mode.   --  " /gamerule pocketAdventuretoSurvival true "

*Added support for a command to kill yourself if you get stuck in the Pocket Dimension, use /stranded.

*Added Large Dimensional Tablets however the mod needs more pocket types to function as intended.


* Please let me know how you like the mod below if you use it! I plan to add a lot, and I can do a lot more if I get decent feedback.

* Additional images can be found in the images tab.

* Please let me know if you have any questions, ideas, or if you found any bugs.

Known Bugs

  • Dimensional Portals will make you jitter/freeze in the air but only momentarily, and doesn't really reduce functionality. Marked as not necessary although I have almost fixed the issue. (Fixed for 1.0.9-Release)
  • Occasionally there's a small lighting bug when entering a pocket, that makes blocks look brighter. Update the blocks or relog to fix. (Unfixable or Unnecessary)
  • ***When creating a pocket, it is necessary to teleport back to the overworld and back to the pocket dimension quickly, this causes some extra lag and for the player to gain ~10 blocks of fall damage if the water pool from the pocket island is removed, although the water pool was already part of the aesthetic as I wanted the mod to spawn you in a pool of water regardless. This is probably the biggest bug and the one I am trying to work the most as it reduces functionality and creates lag when creating a pocket. ***(Player Damage Fixed for 1.0.9 Release; Lag Spike from double teleportation for structure spawn is a WIP)
  • Portals don't break when you break the frame, or remove the portal next to it. (WIP)

Future Plans

- Different Pocket Dimension Types/Styles/Sizes based on crafting (Planned for 1.1.1-Release)

- Upgrade Textures (Planned for 1.1.2-Release)

- Add Loot Tables for Villages/Dungeons for Dimensional Tablets (Planned for 1.0.9-Release)

- Add JEI support (Planned for 1.1.2-Release)

- Add new types of pocket creation (Planned for 1.1.0-Release)

- Add overworld portals to pocket spawn (Planned for 1.1.0-Release)

- Gamerule to add vanishing curse on Dimensional Stones so if killed you don't drop them for other players to access. This has the drawback of being able to lose access to Dimensional Pockets much easier. (Planned for 1.1.3-Release)

- Enchantment to keep certain items on death./Find a dependency for 1.17 that does just that. (Planned for 1.1.4-Release)

- Update/upgrade descriptions page, images, recipes, and logo (Planned for 1.1.0/1.1.1-Release)

- Add textured cracked sky for Pocket Dimension (Planned for 1.1.4-Release)

- Add Support for 1.18.1(Planned for 1.2.0-Release)

- Add Support for 1.16.5 (Planned for 1.1.5/1.1.6-Release) (This will probably not be upkept for much longer after its original release, besides working out a few bugs maybe)

- Add more uses for Dimensional Fire. (Planned for 1.1.3/1.1.8-Release)

- Add more uses for Mortar and Pestle. (Planned for 1.1.3/1.1.8-Release)

- Add more uses for Dimensional Dust. (Planned for 1.1.3/1.1.8-Release)

- Add randomized Dimensional Rifts, similar to Dimensional Doors as I see the mod is for fabric 1.17(Planned for 1.1.9-Alpha)


      I will try to update this mod as frequently as possible while I get the items done on this list, once I have released version 1.2.0, with 1.18.1 and 1.16.5 support, I will update it less, and probably only update 1.16.5 as far as a few more updates after that, as 1.2.0 is planned to be my finished product of this mod. I will try to have version 1.1.1 out by 2/18, and version 1.1.3 out by 2/5, as the mod is currently functional although there are a few bugs.

This mod was inspired by Compact Machines, and Dimensional Doors. You have permission to use this mod in any modpack.

Minecraft mod files
DimensionalPocketz-1.0.8-release.jar Uploaded on: 02/11/2022 - 14:47   File size: 217.49 KB

- Fixed random teleportation when using portals (but not jitter for the Dimensional Portal)

- Optimized a few things

  • Renamed Stone Disk to Stone Tablet
  • Renamed Dimensional Stone to Dimensional Tablet
  • Renamed Large Dimensional Stone to Large Dimensional Tablet
  • Renamed Ender Stone to Dimensional Stone
  • Renamed Stone Enchanting Table to Dimensional Enchanting Table


Known Bugs Still:

  • Jitter on Dimensional Portal Teleport
  • Necessity to teleport twice in order to spawn the Dimensional Pocket structure, creates small extra spike in lag

I also haven't entirely decided on a name yet, I'm between Dimensional Tablets, Dimensional Stones, and Dimensional Pocketz, and Pocketed Dimensions, and I'd love some input from the community (Dimensional Pockets was taken already).

Thank you! I actually just fixed a few bugs having to do with the portals except for one with the latest release, and I plan to update the textures soon, these past releases up until I release about version 1.1.2 have mostly been to test functionality and get feedback.