Ender Enhanced

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This mod improves the End. You can't add end biomes using Mcreator, but that didn't stop me. New creatures where added such as: the Moolin, an agressive end cow, the Flyball, a floating eyeball that you can ride across the void with, and the Enderman Trader, an enderman that spawns in huts that you can trade with, similar to the Piglin and Villager. It adds new structures too such as: the Corrupted City, a structure that has been corrupted by the Ender Hollow, a new boss mob, and the Endermite Hive which has the Endermite Queen Boss. This mod also adds a block that respawns you in the end, it is called the Ender Spawner, and you craft it form Endanium, a crystal you get by killing the Endermite Queen, and Hollowed Endanium, a crystal you get by killing the Ender Hollow.

Minecraft mod files
Ender Enhanced 1.17.1.jar - This is the original release for 1.17.1 Uploaded on: 03/29/2022 - 23:43   File size: 344.37 KB
Ender Enhanced 1.18.2.jar - The updated version for 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 05/10/2022 - 23:00   File size: 351.79 KB

Ender Enhanced 1.18.2:

updated to 1.18.2

fixed damage of Endamium tools

removed speed swords