Extra Biomes

Published by MrVohveli on
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Extra Biomes adds 13 new biomes and adds pillager camps with a few variants to Minecraft only using vanilla blocks.

Extra Biomes adds 2 jungle type biomes, 2 forest type biomes, 2 desert type biomes, 1 swamp type biome, 1 mountain type biome, 1 badlands type biome and 4 plains type biomes. Pillager camps come in oak and sand types. Sometimes pillager camps can be empty. Pillager camps can have some useful items for early game like a bed and food.

This mod is now done, but I might update it later. :)

Minecraft mod files
Extra Biomes.zip - Extra Biomes Mod Uploaded on: 05/03/2022 - 08:11   File size: 145.3 KB