Getlin II Mod

Published by GardonPL on
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- From now on, the modification works on 1.19.2!
- Added tabs with blocks and mod items!
- Fixed some bugs and made some aesthetic changes!
- Added the book you get when you enter the Getlin dimension. 
The book serves as such an introductory tutorial showing the 
introductory mechanics for the game and how to use them!


- The data in the modification files has been tidied up!
- New statistic added: "Score". It appears immediately when we enter the game and we fill it by killing bosses from mod and mobs: Titineris, Venix, Rifinie, Manox, Bongree!
- Made aesthetic changes with the aggression bar and some icons!




- New NPCs have been added giving us quests after right-clicking on them!

- Added the ability to buy a secret box from the rare blue suit merchant!

- New boxes and ruby ​​of power have been added - a new currency thanks to which we can buy boxes. We get them by exchanging coins for rubies!





WARNING! I recommend playing the add-ons separately because running both will not work!


Here are two additions to this mod:


Sharp Scream:

- This add-on adds to the guitar mods that can be purchased from the new dedicated store!

- It adds a new statistic called "Charisma" which we get up to level 10. Charisma affects the ability to buy guitars, and gives us a discount on products in the Armors Shop and Swords and Axes Shop!



Vice Paradise:

- This expansion pack turns Getlin Dimension into a real paradise on earth! It mainly adds new business stats that are gained by right-clicking on four NPCs!
After getting 100 points in a given business, you get it along with a large sum of coins!

- Adds an interesting money slot machine that appears in one of the newly added structures in this expansion pack. Good luck!

- Adds new foods and spirits available for purchase!






- A new terrain generator has been added. From now on, the world is generating in the style of End!

- Modification in version 2.0.1 works on minecraft 1.18.2!

- A new mob called Gold Bongree has been added that allows you to fly it around the islands! The attached gif shows how to summon a mob and how to get the item back to its summon. If you did not get the gif how to restore the mob to our inventory, then while crouching we have to right-click on the mob!


- A new look has been added for the Minecraft menu and here it is:







Hello, my dear ones! Today I present to you the second part of Getlin Mod! There have been many interesting changes in the modification and new features that I think you will like!




🌲Chapter I Biomes🌲

The picture shows the appearance of the Getlin dimension and the construction of the portal, but that's not all because there are many interesting types of plants in the world, including flowers and bushes from which we can obtain fruit after destruction.




🏰Chapter II Structures🏰

In the Getlin dimension, there are exactly 4 buildings in which there are traders of swords, axes, armors and magic! If you have the money and the right requirements, then these stores open up to you! The structures only appear on the Getlin Plains and Getlin Stone Plains biomes.




🕷Chapter III Mobs🕷

The modification adds 5 basic mobs. Their images and names are visible but I will tell you the rest of the information. Titineris and Manox are aggressive and everyone else is neutral. We can get 1 coin from each of them.




📟Chapter IV Stats📟

We pass to the most interesting! Statistics are divided into two parts: Basic and Achievement Tree. I am going to list all the stats to you in a moment:



The Money stats that we earn while killing mobs, bosses, and earning achievements!


Level Points:

A statistic that allows you to add points for the remaining statistics (See in the Picture). We get them by reaching the following levels:


Levels: 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 27, 33, 38, 44, 49, 54, 60, 65, 68, 73, 78, 81, 88, 92, 96, 99



Maybe it's not exactly a statistic, but a bar that we load by frequently attacking mobs. The faster and more intensively we attack, the greater the chance of charging it. The slower the smaller and the possible decrease in the bar by one value. See what it looks like for yourself:




Basic Stats:


Strength stats!



Speed and Jump Boost stats!



Resistance stats!



Health Boost stats!



Statistics allowing you to earn points needed to purchase spells.


Achievement Tree Stats:

Before I show you the stats in turn, I will first discuss how to score points. Well, first we punch the statistics at the bottom to 10 Points. Then in the middle to 20 Points. Finally, these at most to 30 Points.


Digging Speed:

Haste stats!



Regeneration stats!



Night Vision stats!


Slow Falling:

Slow Falling stats!


Infernal Walk:

Fire Resistance stats and fire traces only while running. Requirements: 10 Points Digging Speed ​​and Regeneration!



Luck stats! Requirements: 10 Points Regeneration and Visioner!


Dark Rider:

A statistic that gives a very good defense effect for a horse while riding it! Requirements: 10 Points Visioner and Slow Falling!


Critical Damage:

Statistics that give us a very high level of strength! Requirements: 20 Points Infernal Walk and Luck!



Statistics that give us very high defense effects. Requirements: 20 Points Luck and Dark Rider!




🏋️‍♀️Chapter V Bosses🏋️‍♀️

Bosses - the final point of the game when playing on this modification. To summon them, press the B key and click the FIGHT ME !! button. we summon the barefoot and fight it! After defeating them, we get achievements related to them, and very prestigious awards!




👋🏼Chapter VI Ending👋🏼

I hope you will like my new modification. I did my best to make both the presentation and the modification as good as possible. Feel free to download the modifications and discuss in the comments.

Minecraft mod files
Getlin II Mod v2.4 1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 05/07/2023 - 18:43   File size: 9.57 MB
Getlin II Mod v2.3 1.18.2.jar Uploaded on: 09/01/2022 - 12:38   File size: 9.34 MB
Getlin II Mod v2.2 1.18.2.jar Uploaded on: 05/27/2022 - 19:22   File size: 9.03 MB
Getlin II Mod v2.1 Vice Paradise 1.18.2.jar Uploaded on: 05/21/2022 - 20:33   File size: 8.01 MB