Too Many Mobs

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This mod adds a lot of mobs, 9 to be precise. The first one is the caver, it is a tamable mob that spawns in the dark. It is a sculk creature, which means it can sense the vibrations of monsters, similar to the warden and sculk sensor. You can use this to find caves. You tame it with deepslate. The second one is the phoenix, when you kill this creature, it drops a phoenix beak that can be used to craft a spawner, and spawn eggs. This allows you to create mob spawner farms anywhere you want, but be careful, this creature spawns in the nether, so it could be difficult to find one. The third mob is the shrieker, this mob is similar to the creeper, but with a few differences. The creeper is silent, while the shrieker is loud, and the creeper blows up when it gets near you, but the shrieker attacks like a zombie, and explodes when it dies. The fourth mob is the moobloom, this is a flower variant of a cow that spawns in the flower forrest, and sunflower plains. If you give it pollen, which you can get from smelting flowers in a furnace it will give you a custom flower, found nowhere else in the game, this flower can be grown into a giant flower, and is great for decoration. The next 3 mobs are the butterfly, the dumbo octopus, and the beluga whale, these mobs are just to add more life to the world, and don't serve any gameplay purpose. The second to last mob is the fire phantom, 1 in 10 phantoms spawn as a fire phantom, these are tamable creatures, they are good, because they are the only tamable mob who does flight attacks. The final mob is the deer, if you kill it you get a white block called deer fur which is a softer looking version of wool, the block would be good for making clouds, or other stuff.

Minecraft mod files
Too Many Mobs 1.17.1.jar Uploaded on: 05/05/2022 - 21:50   File size: 234.08 KB

the fire phantom looks p o g g e r s !
i like the colour choice it really looks glowey and cool
the phoenix beak crafting spawners and spawn eggs is a good idea
overall your ideas are great, but i think just the title would give off an impression of an uncreative mod so people would assume it's uncreative even if it's not