guns 'n' healing

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This mod adds guns, bullets, crafting items, healing items and achievements. This mod was made for survival mode progression, the further in the game, the stronger the weapon/the stronger the healing. There is a large variety of guns you can use. There are different types of guns with different types of range, damage, cooldown, ect. i tried to make these stats close to the actual version of the gun but of course nerfed damage to be balanced (which i think i did a bad job at as it seems to still be a bit powerful). There are really op guns but they are accessed either right before ender dragon or post ender dragon. For example, the RPG, which shoots rockets (the only thing in this mod with a custom 3d model) That explodes on impact dealing area damage but doesn't destroy tiles as that would be a bit too chaotic in my opinion. I might be updating this mod and will take suggestions from people and if i decide to add it, i will also credit the person in the weapon bio. Also, i knew it would be difficult for people to even figure out these difficult recipes so i made a few achievement that when all combined, should give every recipe. Please inform me about mistakes, guns being to OP for their level (apart from the post ender dragon ones, those are kinda meant to be op yet grindy to get as an award for the players), and whether you think the mod is good or not. I hope you enjoy it!

Minecraft mod files
gun mod_2.jar - here it is, with the Destructive RPG Uploaded on: 06/04/2022 - 20:25   File size: 420.87 KB

1.0 - mod created along with core guns, ammo, healing ,ect

1.1 - added customs sounds for each and every weapon

1.1.1 - fixed rocket model being 90 degrees to the left, now it faces foward. Fixed RPG requiring wrong ammo. Doubled the rockets made from recipe. Added now Destructive RPG (Rocket doesnt do damage, only the explosion does, unlike the normal RPG which does both and the Destructive RPG destroys blocks).

created custom sound effects for every gun, it might be a bit loud though.