Published by Tarantel on
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See the Current Chickens:




This is my own port of Roost + Chickens + More Chickens 


Current Features:

Catch Chickens, Breed some Chickens ,Produce Resources with Chickens, Level the Chickens, Scan Chickens, Tiered Chickens.
JEI and REI Support!
CraftTweaker/KubeJS Support!


Chicken Catcher

 Craft a chicken catcher with an egg, a stick, and a feather. Use the catcher on a chicken to capture it and add it to your inventory.

Mod Support List: Mekanism, Applied Energistics 2, Botania, Extreme Reactors, Bigger Reactors, Draconic Evolution (1.16.5 Only), Tinkers Construct, Thermal Series, Refined Storage, Integrated Series.


Default Mod Chickens: Copper, Silver, Tin, Zinc, Aluminum, Lead, RefinedIron, Chrome, Brass, Bronze, Electrum, Invar, Nickel, Adamantium, Iridium, Platinum, Titanium, Tungsten, Tungstensteel, Yellorium, Steel, Uranium, Blutonium. 


Coming soon: Mystical Agriculture and Much More!


U can freely use the Mod in your Modpack. 


My other Mods:
CraftTweaker GUI
CraftTweaker Hotkeys

 Banner, Logo and other made by


Minecraft mod files
roost_ultimate-0.9.9-1.20.1.jar - 1.20.1 FABRIC/QUILT Uploaded on: 07/10/2023 - 00:28   File size: 845.5 KB
roost_ultimate-0.9.0-1.19.2.jar - 1.19.2 FABRIC/QUILT Uploaded on: 07/10/2023 - 00:28   File size: 883.59 KB
roost_ultimate-1.19.2-1.0.0.jar - 1.19.2 FORGE Uploaded on: 02/17/2023 - 23:26   File size: 3.54 MB
roost_ultimate-1.16.5-0.4.1.jar - 1.16.5 FORGE Uploaded on: 02/17/2023 - 23:27   File size: 4.75 MB

Update to 1.18.2-0.2.8:
Added new Configs for Naturalspawning of Chickens.
This Part of the Config needs a complete restart of Client or Server because Roost Ultimate register the spawning in the final mod init phase.


Update to 1.19-0.2.7:

Fixed missing Breeder Recipes.
Added a Namecheck to the Chickenscanner.
Added spawns of Endstone, Chorus Fruit, Netherrack, Soul Sand, Basalt, Warped Stem, Crimson Stem, Apple, Beetroot, Melon, Snow, Sand, Stone and much more Chickens to the world.
Endstone, Chorus Fruit Chickens spawn only in End City Parts or near Torches and other Lightsources that increase the Lightlevel in the Area in the End.
Removed crafting recipes for Endstone, Chorus, Cobble Chickens because of fixed spawning in the normal world!


Update to 1.18.2-0.2.7:
Fixed missing Breeder Recipes.
Added a Namecheck to the Chickenscanner.

Update to 1.19-0.2.6:
hardly updated to 1.19
to get cobblechicken and netherrack chicken u need to craft them

Update to 1.18.2-0.2.6:
Fixed Breedingparts missing in the last version

Update to 0.2.5:
Fixed a bug in the breedingtable of some chickens.
Fixed the missing config entry for chicken_rate
Added new Roost Versions from Tier 1 to Tier 9
Added Recipes for them.
Removed the old Roost Recipe (ppl who own the old roost can still use him)


Update to 0.2.4:

Will release a Emergency Update now.
Limited the ID Limit of the Roost to show the Chickens from 100+ to 90.
Will start with the new version with more Chickens and other Stations now.
Chickens of Tinkers Construct, Thermal Series, Refined Storage and Silent Gems already added.
Atm u can get them only via Creative.
Will add the Breeding later with the real update.

This Update for today contains fix for input/output of the stations.
Spinning wings fix.
Changed Interface of Breeder to test ^^ pls tell me what u think about it 😛
Nether and End Chicken Spawnfix.
Endstone Chicken will not spawn atm but u can craft it out of endstone + obsidian chicken.(recipe is shown in JEI/REI)
Removed bone and enderpearl chicken drops from enderman and skeletons. added also recipes to JEI/REI for it.
Added better NBT assign to Chickens via Breeder and onCrafted for Modpack Creators or other Modders!

Update to 0.2.3:
Added the Trainer.
Added Tiered Chickens.
Added Level and XP to chickens.
Higher Level increase the Output in Roost.
If u spawn a chicken with the Item it keeps the Level and XP!
Added the Chickenscanner.
Added Entity Labels to the Chicken so on closerange u see the Names.

Added new Options:
Change the Trainer Speedtick.
Change the Maxlevel for any Tier of the Chickens.
Change the needed XP Amount for any Tier of the Chickens.


Update to 0.2.2
Added Visuals for Breeder and Roost:
Breeder closes the Window if a Chicken is in and has Food.
Roost show u now the Chicken inside it via Blockmodel.
Limited Input of Roost Slot 1 to Chickens only.
Limited Input of Breeder Slot 1 to Breedable Chickens only.
Same for second Slot of both blocks set to Food = forge:seeds TAG.
Added a new Config that generates in /Config.
It allows u to change the Global Speed of Breeding and the Global Speed of the Roost production Time.
Added a Timer inside the GUI of Breeder and Roost to see how long it takes rly.

For ppl that used the last Version:
Move the Chickens outside of the Roost and Breeder in your Inventory and back to the Roost/Breeder to see the Modelchanges!

cool idea, this is the first mod i've seen that's themed around breeding chickens to create different types of them. good job, very original, and good in general.