Dragon Addition

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Have you ever wished that traveling to the end and killing a dragon had more meaning and interest? Dragon Addition will add a lot more ideas for your survival, because now a better loot will fall from the dragon. More than fifty crafts, new items, blocks, as well as many useful functions for your development and survival will be added

Dragon Addition is a mod that will make your journey to the end even more interesting, and will make more sense for killing the Ender dragon.


New crafts

Dragon Scales are a hard object that will only fall from the ender dragons. It will be possible to create blocks, steps and semi-blocks from it. Their explosion resistance will be slightly higher than obsidian, but it will not be so difficult to break them with a pickaxe.

Dragon's blood - drops out after killing Ender dragon. A lot of new armor and tools can be created from blood.

The Enderium Crystal can be obtained by killing Endermen or Endermites with a ten percent probability. The crystal can also fall from the end stone with a three percent probability. Designed to create very effective armor, tools, as well as items with new functionality.

A crystal ingot is an object created from crystals of enderium and amethyst. This will be useful for crafting crystal equipment on the anvil, connecting with dragon equipment (in case you already have dragon armor and tools, but with normal crafting you don't want to lose the charm of the items).

The Netherite connector is designed to strengthen the shower collector to increase its durability.


New items

Dragon armor and tools are a level higher than netherite items, and their crafting consists of dragon scales, a certain netherite item in the center, as well as dragon blood. The equipment has a high durability, so its crafting will be doubly useful.


Crystal armor and tools are the most effective and durable set in fashion, an order of magnitude higher than dragon armor in protection. It is created by combining an enderium crystal with a certain dragon object.


The End Star is an item that will be used for the most powerful crafting in fashion. And it will take a star of nether to create it.


Totem of the abyss is an item that can save you forever when you fall into the abyss. You will need an end star to craft it. But even with such a complex crafting, the item will be very effective in your journey.

Ancient Dragon Artifact - will drop out with a chance of one percent of the end stone, and when used in the end will give you great positive effects for a certain time. (You can also combine with another artifact and get a double dose of effects).


Dragon Soul Radiance is the most powerful item in fashion. To craft it, you will need 8 fragments of a dragon egg (you can get it by putting a dragon egg in the crafting table). When the item is activated, you will be able to be practically invulnerable in the end forever.


The Soul Collector is an incredibly useful item for gaining experience. Now you can get experience just by being in the end and right-clicking with this item. The item will have a cooldown of one minute, and give thirty experience for each use (this is almost four initial levels). The soul collector can also be modified and improved its durability and energy storage (to increase the amount of experience gained).


Dragon lamp is a block that will fit well into the dark scenery, and will also be able to emit small beautiful end-style effects.


Now useful enchantments, ores and interesting items will fall out of the dragon.

But in order to improve the mod as much as possible, I decided to check personally and create a balance for each item as well as loot, so that it would be interesting and not too powerful.

Some interesting chips, such as visual effects, sounds and achievements - I left you for the passage.


I will be glad if you like this rather rare update and addition.


Minecraft mod files
Dragon Addition.jar Uploaded on: 06/07/2022 - 09:03   File size: 1.65 MB

I have a big problem. With this mod - the dragon healing for full hp when he is almost dying, because of this we cannot kill the dragon...

Hello! I'd request you to mention authors of texturepack who made this dragon head, and to precise that you use their assets based on MIT License they used for Better Ender Dragon mod.
Also, aside from official moderatory note, I feel like it'd be better if you put your own work on mod's image, since putting asset you didn't even make yourself as "main" element of the mod gives additional bad impression. Not saying that zero credit can make people feel like it's your work.

You should create your own textures instead of stealing Ice & Fire, you could have problems ^^' Btw i've made an End expansion mod and i really love the concept of the Dragon Lamp, so i would like to know if i can add a purple redstone lamp in my mod with another use

Btw 10% drop rate from Endemen seems pretty high as a crafting component of an armor after netherite, while lowering it could make it annoying. You should maybe add a more unique way to get it (like a new mob, a new block, or a rare enderman variante but dropping multiple crystals)

A lot of textures, even in such popular mods, were somehow taken from other sources. In fact, I inserted not completely identical scales. Her color palette has been changed to a more black one. Regarding the texture of the lamp - yes, of course.

I'm not talking about the texture but the concept x) And about taking texture ehhh recoloring isn't the best way to do it, i'm doing a fan-mod for a huge French YouTuber and i'me recreating textures from mods he played with to make them really different while still globally looking the same way, you should do the same thing as it will be a malus if a modpacker is interested in the mod (re-using another mod's texture is rarely a good idea)