Lone Miner

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The BIGGEST update in Lone Miner history has just happened!  This update was a quality update, aimed to optimize AI, crafting, performance/download speeds AS WELL AS overhaul the Molding Plains biome.  While on the surface not much aside from the biome has visually changed, behind the curtains there has been massive overdue improvements.  I hope you all are liking the mod so far, as there is SO MUCH MORE PLANNED IN THE NEAR FUTURE!!!


(This is an experimental work in progress mod that will be frequently updated with new features, so stay tuned!)


Currently there are 8 new mobs in Lone Miner's most recent update (1.1.1 BETA)


The mobs:




-Gnomes (3 types)


-Shroom Gnome

Shroom Gnome

-Dark Gnome (Baby Enderman)

Dark Gnome



-Fungal Symbiote (ridable pet)

Fungal Symbiote


New Structures:


- Gnome Homes (3x)

Inside a Gnome HomeGnome Home RTXGnome Home

New Items:


-Time Dial (sort of like a portable insta-bed)


New Blocks:


New Blocks


-Molding Sapling

-Molding Logs

-Stripped Molding Logs

-Molding Wood

-Stripped Molding Wood

-Molding Planks

-Molding Fence

-Molding Button

-Molding Pressure Plate

-Molding Stairs

-Molding Fence Gate

-Molding Door

-Molding Trap Door

-Molding Slabs


New Biome:


-Molding Plains

Fungal Symbiotes in Molding Plains


Minecraft mod files
Lone Miner 1.1.1 Beta.jar - Updated release of Lone Miner (BIOME AND SOUND UPDATE) Uploaded on: 06/18/2022 - 01:22   File size: 2.42 MB

-Added Chestling noises

-Added Fungal Symbiote Noises

-Adjusted Molding Plains biome entity spawn rates

-Adjusted some block hardness

-general bug fixes

Did you make the model and texture for your fungal symbiote yourself?

Yes I did! Matter of fact the entire mold biome and blocks are all sort of a biproduct of the fungal symbiote. He didn't feel like he fit in the game by himself, so I made him a custom environment where he would :)