Penguins plus

Published by Aatreyu_Shau on
Upvotes: 5
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sled item
sled item
Sled GUI
                Sled GUI used for storage




A sled is a rideable entity that can be used on land

Grants high boosts of speed

Has internal GUI that can be accessed by,

shift + right clicking on it (on the sled)

This GUI can be used to store 4 kinds of items




Adelie penguin


~Adelie penguins are small 1 block tall creatures

~They hunt and kill cod

~They can be bred with cod

~They can also be tamed with cod


~Feeding a penguin cod has a small chance

of the penguin dropping exclusive items (penguin feathers)

and even rarely penguin eggs!

~The feathers don't have much of a use as of now

~The penguin eggs can be placed and hatched to get penguins


~ penguins spawn in cold biomes from frozen rivers oceans ,etc.

to snowy biomes (snowy taiga, snowy plains, snowy beach)

even in the ice spikes biome! 

~They tend to spawn in groups of up to 12

penguin feather
penguin feather
penguin egg item
penguin egg item
penguin egg block
penguin egg block
Minecraft mod files
Penguins+.jar - Old Uploaded on: 06/14/2022 - 07:42   File size: 71.33 KB
Penguins+2.0.jar - Current New V2.0 Uploaded on: 06/16/2022 - 15:29   File size: 129.37 KB

                                                                      This is a mod that aims to add penguins and tundra related content


Frozen caves

Ice crystal block

Highlands Platuae

Fixed penguin model

Author Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Thu, 06/16/2022 - 13:39 Permalink

A new update is gonna be realesed which fixes teh penguin model and adds 2 new surprise biomes

Author Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Wed, 06/15/2022 - 04:43 Permalink

umm I opened a new forum about something gamebreaking.