Cherry Tree Biome
Oriental mod is a mod that will add some biomes, weapons and creatures from the Japanese and Chinese Culture
This is My First Mod that i post here because i have at least 4 mod that i never posted (Darimorite, New Darimorite, Katana Mod and Meme Mod) and i don't think that i will post them because i lost the workspace but i still have the mod file( i just don't have the MEME mod jar file) and these mods are very strange and unpolished
Version 1.2.0
-------UPDATE LOG---------
Fixed Bugs
+Bo Staff Particles now are a Trail instead of flying in random blocks
+Explosive Arrow
+Golden String
+Raw Rice
+Raw Rice on Bowl
+Cooked Rice on Bowl
+Poor Rice
+Explosive Bow
---------SAD NOTE-----------
That version should add the spawn of mobs and animals on the biome but i tried it and 546 zombies spawned in 2 ticks, so no spawn in that biome
Version 1.1.0
-------UPDATE LOG---------
Fixed Bugs
+Fixed Particles
-Now Bo Staff can break
New Textures
*Cherry Wood Planks
New Features
+Cherry Wood now work like wood
+Stripped Logs added
-Can't make fuel with it
Version 1.0.0
-------UPDATE LOG---------
+Added English Language
+Added Brazillian Portuguese Language
+Added Cherry Tree Forest
+Added Cherry Tree
+Added Cherry Tree Leaves
+Added Cherry
+Added Cherry Tree Sapling
+Added Cherry Tree Logs
+Added Cherry Tree Planks
-Can't be used as normal planks
+Added Bo staff
+Inflict Glow effect on enemy on hit
-Low Durability
+Added Cherry Tree Slabs
+Added Cherry Tree Stairs
+Added Cherry Tree Fence
+Added Cherry Tree Fence's Gate
+Added Cherry Tree Button
+Added Cherry Tree Pressure Plate