an abomination boss

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this simple mod adds a new block, some new items, a new mob and a new boss.


forest slime (mob)

-can be tamed

-drop: dark oak wood

-behaviour: hostile


forest abomination (boss)

-when hit, he spawns an illusioner

-when right clicked, he spawns a forest slime

-drop: forest heart

-behaviour: hostile


ancient log (block)

-drop: itself

-when hit by a projectile, it removes itself and spawns a forest abomination


forest heart (item)

-used to make heart swords


iron tip (item)

-used to make an iron heart sword


diamond tip (item)

-used to make a diamond heart sword


iron heart sword (item)

-enchantability: 22

-damage: 8

-durabilty: 255


diamond heart sword (item)

-enchantability: 22

-damage: 9

-durabilty: 1210

-can be used to make a netherite heart sword


netherite heart sword (item)

-enchantability: 22

-damage: 10

-durabilty: 2670



diamond hammer (item)

-used in a smithing table to make sword holders


iron sword holder (item)

-used to make custom heart swords


diamond sword holder (item)

-used to make custom heart swords

Minecraft mod files
an abomination boss.jar Uploaded on: 08/22/2022 - 11:44   File size: 63.48 KB
an abomination boss v 1.1.0.jar Uploaded on: 08/22/2022 - 16:17   File size: 81 KB
an abomination boss v 1.1.1.jar Uploaded on: 08/22/2022 - 16:50   File size: 81.43 KB
an abomination boss v 1.1.2.jar Uploaded on: 08/23/2022 - 09:16   File size: 81.42 KB

v 1.1.0

-added customisation to heart swords

-added iron sword holder

-added diamond sword holder

-added diamond hammer

v 1.1.1

-added crafting recipe for diamond hammer

v 1.1.2

-changed the generation of ancient logs from replacing deeplslate diamond ore to replacing deepslate