the glitched zombie

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i always loved horror mods and minecraft creepypastas and myths, but alot of them dont actually feel like real minecraft entities or glitches, as cool as i found them they always felt fictional, so i decided to create my own mod which adds a new entity that feels like a real minecraft glitch: the glitched zombie (or the glombie because i couldnt think oy anything else! :D)


i tried my best but im not very good at this, even so i hope atleast someone likes the mod i made, i also wanted to give him the ability to climb but couldnt figure out how to open his source code, so i may need help with that


feel free to take my mod and do anything you want with it! i honestly dont mind, and if you ever make a remake of the dont even need to ask for permission, just give me credit to avoid having someone start a scandal over this and your set! this entity is meant to feel like a actual glitched out minecraft zombie and thats kinda its whole gimick


i may have done a pretty bad job at it but i tried my best


romanian version! :D


Întotdeauna mi-au plăcut modurile horror și Minecraft creepypasta, dar multe dintre ele nu se simt ca entități reale, pe cât de grozave le-am găsit, s-au simțit întotdeauna fictive, așa că am decis să-mi creez propriul mod care adaugă o nouă entitate care se simte ca un adevărat glitch din Minecraft: zombiul glitchuit (sau glombi pentru că nu mam putut gândi la altceva! :D)

Am făcut tot ce am putut, dar nu sunt foarte bun la asta, chiar și așa sper că cel puțin cuiva îi place modul pe care l-am făcut, am vrut să-i dau și abilitatea să se Cațăre pe pereți, dar nu am putut să-mi dau seama cum să-i deschid codul de sursă, așa că s-ar putea să am nevoie de ajutor cu asta

nu ezitați să-mi luați modul și să faceți tot ce doriți cu el! Sincer, nu mă deranjează, iar dacă faci vreodată un remake al modului... nici măcar nu trebuie să ceri permisiunea, doar dă-mi credit pentru a evita ca cineva să declanșeze un scandal peste asta și totul va fi bine! această entitate a trebui să se simte ca un zombi din Minecraft glitchuit, asta este toată cestia sa

Poate că am făcut o treabă destul de proastă, dar am încercat!
Minecraft mod files
the glitched Uploaded on: 09/02/2024 - 22:07   File size: 13.2 KB

he used to have worse eyesight and couldnt detect you from nearly as far but this was changed cause he was too easy to avoid

at first he didnt have the extra layer he has now and was just a recolored zombie, but that wasnt scary enough and just looked kinda basic

originally he was way more rare but he didnt spawn enough and was way too rare

at one point it was considered to give him a "i see you" nametag but it didnt really fit him or the mod

he was weaker at one point but he just wasnt enough of a threat

he used to have purple eyes and only 2 instead of 4 but again, he didnt look that scary

at first he would play music when walking to be like a horror chase scene but i gave up after struggling to find any song in the game that actually worked

he was supposed to have a endermans model but i just couldnt get it to work

all of these changes where actually made before the mod was even released

this behind the scenes info was only added 21 hours after the mods release


romanian version coming soon

The thumbnail of the mod is terrifying, I think MS Paint is absolutely underrated.