The Fabled Forests

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The Fabled Forests adds 4 new, colourful overworld biomes to explore. New structures generate in them with loot!

The Fabled Forest - A pretty, pink giant forest, filled with magic. Structures include the Fabled outpost and the Fabled Tower (rare). Be careful, dangers await as the sun sets. Illusioners now spawn at night time in the Fabled Forest.

The Corruption - Danger awaits any who dare to trespass this land. The soil has been infected with viruses, and slow creatures down on contact. Highly corrosive acid generates in pools. Take care not to fall in. Cursed Altars and Demon altars (rare) now generate in the biome. Strange, acid-infected monsters (called Decays) walk this biome at night.

The Spectral - Unique in its luminance, its soil has a strange glow in the dark effect. Spectral Castles now generate in this biome... and they contain an end portal! Be wary at night, Spectres spawn fast, and run fast. They drop Spectre dust which can be crafted into the Sharanga (4 lines below).

The Azalea Forest - A calm, peaceful biome filled with your favorite type of leaves. This biome exists to make Azalea Leaves more easy to obtain.

All biomes contain at least 1 new wood type, 1 new grass and dirt type, new bricks and leaves.

Demonium - A new, post-Netherite  ore that generates in the end. Traces of it can be found in the new biomes however, in generated structures. This ore can craft the most powerful Armor and Gear.

New ranged items - Sharanga and Ember. Rapid firing bows that annihilate enemies. Expensive, but worth it.

Spears - Crafted easily but are destroyed on use. Serves as early ranged items that can be useful all through the game. Can be crafted into a bundle of spears (8 durability) for extra durability, then a pile of spears (72 durability) for even more. Crafting 4 Piles of spears together in a workbench creates the Infinity Spear. (Self-Explanatory)

Pure Brick - crafted from all corners of the Minecraft world. Purity, Spectral, Fabled, Corruption and Nether. Pure brick blocks are decoration only. (But cool for flexing).

This mod was created purely by me, the creator. I really hope you enjoy playing this mod and stay tuned for updates!

Minecraft mod files
fabledupdated2.jar - The Fabled Forests mod adds a multitude of new biomes, mobs, blocks and new post-Netherite accessories. Uploaded on: 08/26/2022 - 12:40   File size: 420.28 KB

26/08/2022 - Mod Uploaded