Just Enough Enchantments

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This is the originally named Just Enough Enchantments mod in case you don't know how to read titles! This adds new enchantments that can be accessed as normal enchantments. These enchantments don't focus as much on adding vanilla-style enchantments and rather add well-polished enchantments that make your gear overall more powerful, but still don't render any other enchantments or items useless (EX: Doesn't add enchantments like a water breathing helmet or swiftness boots). Because of this, it is suggested that you use the Anvil Fix mod which can be found here: Anvil Fix - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge



Biohazard - Deals poison damage - Level 2

Swift Edge - Increases swing speed - Level 3

Lifesteal - Steals half a heart from your opponent (cannot be prevented) - Level 1

Frostbite - Gives opponent slowness and blindness on impact - Level 3

Summoning - Summons lightning on hit (hope you don't want the mob drops!) - Level 3

Epicness - Summons regular and soul flames on impact (purely aesthetic) - Level 1

Rageful - Deals a lot of bonus damage when the opponent is at full health - Level 1

Penetration - Deals a chunk of damage that surpasses any armor and status effect - Level 4

Disintegrator - Deals an extra bit of damage to mobs that are aflame - Level 1


Adrenaline - Grants superhuman speed and strength when at four health points or lower - Level 1

Withering Rebound - Grants withering to the attacker - Level 5

Toughness - Increases maximum health - Level 1


Multimine- Mines in a 3x1x3 area - Level 1


Ascension - Grants jump boost - Level 1


NOTES: While Withering Rebound and Toughness stack if you have them on multiple armor pieces, Adrenaline does not.

Also, if you prefer, install off of Curseforge: Just Enough Enchantments - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge

Minecraft mod files
just_enough_enchantments-1.18.2-v1.1.jar - Version 1.1 of the mod, 1.18.2 Minecraft. Uploaded on: 08/29/2022 - 03:07   File size: 41.7 KB
just_enough_enchantments-1.16.5-v1.1.jar - Version 1.1 of the mod, 1.18.2 Minecraft. Uploaded on: 08/29/2022 - 03:07   File size: 74.98 KB
just_enough_enchantments-1.16.5-v1.2.jar - Version 1.2 of the mod, 1.16.5 Minecraft. Uploaded on: 09/03/2022 - 23:47   File size: 89.08 KB
just_enough_enchantments-1.18.2-v1.2.jar - Version 1.2 of the mod, 1.18.2 Minecraft. Uploaded on: 09/03/2022 - 23:47   File size: 48 KB


Released/Added Toughness


Added Rageful, Penetration, and Disintegrator

While I do not mind, please ask the creator if you can add something to their mod pack BEFORE you do. Also, I'm adding a bit more enchantments in the next couple of days, so just keep an eye out for them. Also, thank you, this took a while.

And yes, we've all heard this comment from the creator before, but do please suggest some stuff (and I swear, if anyone suggests autosmelt-). Also ditto on bugs.