Eternity: Spells and Tomes

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• About Eternity •

Eternity is a Minecraft: Java Edition modification for 1.19.2, the latest edition. Eternity is a magic-filled addition to Minecraft, adding new items, blocks, and magical weapons! Play around with the different spells, weapons, and items! Have fun playing Eternity!


• Getting Started •


To begin, you will have to mine throughout the cave to acquire some Amber Shards. You will have a rare chance to find an Amber Block while exploring caves. Each Amber Block will give exactly one Amber Shard. To craft an Amber Block, you can combine four Amber Shards in a crafting table. Amber is the most important item in this mod, since it can be used to craft almost every item and block.


Amber Tome:

The main feature of this mod is the magic system. In Eternity, you will be able to craft an Amber Tome from four Amber Shards, four Gold Ingots, and one of any Enchanted Books. Once you craft an Amber Tome, you'll notice its enchantment is labeled as empty. You will learn how to add an enchantment to the Amber Tome later. The Amber Bookshelf is important for enchanting the empty Amber Tome.


Eternity Table:

The Eternity Table is the mystical block that can be used to enchant the Amber Tome. An Eternity Table is crafted like an Enchantment Table, but using Amber Obsidian, Amber Shards, and an Amber Tome. Once you craft the Eternity Table, you can finally enchant an Amber Tome with a Spell. You will learn about Spells later. Each Spell has a different ability the Enchanted Amber Tome can use.



In Eternity, there are eight Spells you can use with an Eternity Table to enchant an Empty Amber Tome. An Empty Spell is crafted with two Amber Shards, and two Gold Ingots. Once you obtain an Empty Spell, you can use specific crafting recipes to craft specific Spells. The names and pictures of the spells are in the following order:

Spidergold, Shulkerboost, Rabbitjump, Blazehaste, Firetear, Blazedust, Ironblaze, Sugarspeed, Ironink


• Archaic Magic •

Restart Anchor:

In Eternity, there is a magic source called: Archaic. This magic can only be created by creating a portal to Eternity. Since the portal to Eternity doesn't allow non-eternal beings to enter it, you can create a gateway. Anything that enters Enternity, gets corrupted by Archaic magic. To craft the Restart Anchor, you must craft three Amber Blocks between six Amber Obsidian. Once you craft the Restart Anchor, you must charge it by lighting it with Gold and Amber. Once it is charged, you can use the gateway to add Archaic magic to different items and blocks.


Archaic Charging:

Archaic Magic is a foreign energy source only found in Eternity. Using a Charged Restart Anchor, you can send certain items into Eternity and receive the Archaic version of the item. As pictured below, Totems of Undying and Obsidian can become Archaic. Some items have negative outcomes when becoming Archaic, while some items just get lost in Eternity. Archaic items don't have the same use as their non-Archaic counterpart. Meaning the Archaic Totem of Undying doesn't have the same abilities as a regular Totem of Undying.



Minecraft mod files
Eternity-0.1.2.jar - Old - Version 0.1.2 Uploaded on: 12/26/2022 - 01:41   File size: 291.08 KB
Eternity-0.1.3.jar - Old - Version 0.1.3 Uploaded on: 12/26/2022 - 22:55   File size: 691.03 KB
Eternity-0.1.4.jar - New - Version 0.1.4 Uploaded on: 12/27/2022 - 01:44   File size: 710.93 KB
Eternity-0.1.6.jar - Snapshot - Version 0.1.6 Uploaded on: 12/28/2022 - 18:22   File size: 840.33 KB

v0.0.0 - v0.1.2


  • Amber Block
  • Amber Bookshelf
  • Eternity Table
  • Restart Anchor
  • Archaic Obsidian
  • Archaic Stone Bricks


  • Amber Shards
  • Amber Tomes
  • Enchanted Amber Tomes
  • Spells
  • Amber and Gold
  • Archaic Ender Pearl
  • Archaic Totem of Undying
  • Archaic Eye of Ender
  • Archaic Bone
  • Archaic Glass Bottle



  • Archaic Block
  • Archaic Stone


  • Archaic Ingot


  • Texture updates
  • Removed dimension: Amber Realm
  • Structure added: Archaic Study


  • New Advancements and Updated Advancements



  • Added the Amber Tome


  • Amber Tome GUI



  • Amber Tome GUI fixed
  • Amber Tome procedures and settings fixed



  • Recipes for all eight Spells



  • Spell Book changes
  • GeckoLib Added
  • GeckoLib Removed
  • Updated MCreator to 2022.4 EAP

this is probably a stupid question, but-

howd you make your logo-? like howd you get it into the minecraft 3d blocky text
ive been trying to find a website for it, or anything, but idk where to look :(

I am reworking the Amber Tome to be used as a singular Spell Book you can use interchangeably with different spells. The item was complete then I updated it to 2022.4 EAP (52117). Now its main procedure,, has stopped working. In the files, the code for the procedure is complete, but when I use MCreator's procedure editor, it shows nothing; it doesn't even show the Event Trigger. Is this just a snapshot error, or something else. I also recently installed GeckoLib. Any help would be appreciated!