Zombie Outbreak

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Welcome to ZOMBIE OUTBREAK! in this mod, you will be able to explore Minecraft with a new twist. More zombies and raid-like events occur in the world of The Undead Frontier. Keep in mind, this mod is in very early development, and reporting bugs and proposing new ideas will be very helpful! I will see where this mod takes me, for I currently have no other plans with this mod except maybe adding new Zombies or new Raids.


Bouldering Zombie

Bouldering Zombie:

The Bouldering Zombie is a formidable undead monster with oversized arms that allow it to climb over any obstacle in its path. Standing over seven feet tall, this zombie towers over most humans, making it a terrifying sight to behold.

Despite its formidable abilities, the Bouldering Zombie is not invulnerable. Its oversized arms make it slow and cumbersome, leaving it vulnerable to quick and agile opponents. But beware: this zombie is relentless, and it will stop at nothing to get its hands on its prey. If you encounter a Bouldering Zombie, be prepared for a tough fight.









Lobber ZombieLobbing Zombie:

The Lobber Zombie is a particularly disgusting undead monster, with one short, stunted arm and one long, lanky arm that it uses to hurl chunks of rotten flesh at its enemies. Standing just over six feet tall, this zombie is slightly smaller than some other undead species, but it more than makes up for its size with its ranged attacks. The Lobber Zombie is a formidable opponent at a distance, using its long arm to fling chunks of rancid meat with surprising accuracy and force.

Despite its fearsome abilities, the Lobber Zombie is not invincible.  If you encounter a Lobber Zombie, try to keep your distance and take it down with ranged attacks, if possible. But be prepared for a messy fight: this zombie is not afraid to get dirty (or smelly) in order to get the upper hand.









Bomber Zombie:

The Bomber Zombie is a terrifying undead monster that has sacrificed its arms in order to become a living bomb. This zombie is armless, but it makes up for its lack of limbs with its incredible speed and agility. It can chase down its prey at lightning speeds, and when it gets close, it explodes, killing or severely injuring anyone caught in the blast radius.

The Bomber Zombie is a highly dangerous and unpredictable foe, and it should be avoided at all costs. Its explosion is powerful enough to destroy blocks and structures, and it is not uncommon for a Bomber Zombie to take out several zombies or players at once. If you do find yourself confronted by a Bomber Zombie, try to outrun it and take it out with ranged attacks. But be warned: this zombie will not hesitate to blow itself up if it means taking you down with it.

Minecraft mod files
ZombieOutbreak-0.0.1.jar - Version - 0.0.1 Uploaded on: 01/04/2023 - 22:34   File size: 286.37 KB


  • ZombieHoardOutbreak - procedure
  • Zombie Leader - entity
  • XYZValue - procedure
  • XYZ - overlay
  • RottenDirtUpdateTick - procedure
  • Rotten Dirt - block
  • Rotten Grass - block
  • Rotten Stone - block
  • Lobber Zombie - entity
  • Bouldering Zombie - entity
  • Zombie Brute - entity
  • Bomber Zombie - entity
